Day Fifty of 365 – Labels Are Good For Products, But Not For People

On this Fiftieth Day of my 365 Day personal writing challenge, I found an obscure group of sentences I jotted down a number of years ago related to labels. When you hear the word “labels,” what comes to mind? The tag on the inside of your shirt?  The slick paper wrapper attached to your favorite beverage? Perhaps an identifying sticker on your latest prescription? Maybe you think of the logo associated with a favorite brand of clothing or shoes or athletic gear? Or maybe you think of carefully selected words that identify people in formal or informal groupings? Suffice to say that labels are part of our culture – good, bad or indifferent – they are a part of everything we do.

Labels – are best used to:

  • Categorize
  • Catalog
  • Separate
  • Identify
  • Segregate
  • Describe
  • Brand

Labels rarely if ever serve to bring people together to:

  • Discuss
  • Debate
  • Share
  • Collaborate
  • Problem solve
  • Reconcile
  • Enlighten

When used with individuals or groups of people they tend to depersonalize, generalize, nullify and inoculate – virtually eliminating the reality of autonomy and individuality.

In recent months, the labeling of people appears to have grown exponentially. Labeling has almost become a sport. Every social media platform is plastered with emotionally laden labels intended to keep us from finding common ground.

The really sad part about labeling people is that there appears to be no end in sight! None! And as long as we continue to tolerate, invite and incorporate labeling into our relationships with others we are bound to live generally disconnected, arbitrary and combative lives with those who do not fit within the labels we have selected for ourselves.

I have one final thought about labels . . . May we always seek to eliminate “labeling” each other and work to hear and understand instead. The challenges we face as a country are common to us all. The solutions will be found as we work together for the common good sans labels . . . Just a thought.


Mark E. Hundley

I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my books and short fiction. Thanks!


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