Day Two of 365 – When the Wheels Fall Off

What is your response when the wheels fall off? That’s a question that bears pondering!

I’m not talking about literal wheels falling off of your vehicle. I’m talking about when the wheels fall off of your life! Wheels falling off of our life happens all the time – in small and big ways! They fall off when we least expect them to. Sometimes we play a part in our wheels falling off and other times, we play not part at all. Reality tells us that as long as we take breath on this planet, our wheels will fall off periodically.

On the surface, this may seem like a bad thing; however, the opposite is true. When the wheels fall off of our life, opportunities to reflect on and re-evaluate our life present themselves.

The wheels fall off of our lives – that is a given! What we DO when the wheels fall off is not! It seems we have two basic choices: (1) We can react without thinking which often leads to disorganized outcomes or (2) we can respond which requires careful examination of the situation in which we find ourselves.

The next time the wheels fall off of your life, I urge you to do the following:

  1. Pause. Take a break and acknowledge that the wheels have fallen off. You have a broken plan or project or relationship. In order to truly respond to adversity, we must acknowledge its reality.
  2. Reflect. Spend some time reviewing what happened. Work to trace this stoppage in progress to its source. What part, if any, did you play in this event? What part did other people or events outside of your influence have on your situation?
  3. Re-evaluate. After you have taken some time to survey your situation, re-evaluate your directions, plans, intentions or actions. Remember! Sometimes the problem is outside, not inside of you.
  4. Renew. Once you have engaged in reflection and re-evaluation, renew your commitment to the pursuit of your dream, plan or project. Often after completing steps one through three, you will gain new energy and focus for what lies ahead.
  5. Act. I know this might seem redundant; however, fear that the wheels will fall off again often becomes a roadblock to progress. When our wheels fall off they do not have to stay off . . . unless we choose for them to. Move forward with positive, purposeful action!

There you have it! A few thoughts about what to do when the wheels fall off of your life! I have every confidence that if you truly put your mind in gear the next time your wheels fall off, you will eventually move forward with more purpose!

Until next time, Peace!

I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page for information about my books and short fiction.


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