Day Twenty Two of 365 – Something New, Part 3

Author’s Note: This is the third installment in my “short story in the making.” I am writing a short story and publishing it in segments. This is a new venture for me. I hope you’ll enjoy each addition to this story.


The Unknown

Intrigue trumped trepidation and I found myself moving slowly toward the left front row of the balcony toward the solitary figure seated at the end. The man with the deep voice invited me to sit next to him. I did so and waited . . .

He took one final drag of the cigarette and crushed it out on the wooden arm of the chair in which he sat. In the brief moments that his inhalation brightened the end of his cigarette, I was able to make out a faint outline of the only other living being in the building. His white hair and beard were trimmed the same skin-close length, contrasting his dark skin. Kind, dark eyes hovered above a noble, broad nose and full lips. He turned his head and smiled at me . . .

“A little weird, huh?”

I was taken aback. Weird was an understatement! “At the very least,” I blurted!

“You probably have many questions,” my mysterious companion said.

“You are damned right,” I replied.

“Unfortunately for you, we don’t have much time for explanations. You have appointments to keep,” he said as he reached to touch a small panel on the wall next to his chair. To my surprise, part of the wall the size of a standard door, slid quietly to the left revealing muted light beyond the opening.

Without exchanging words, I knew that I was to step through the opening in order to keep those appointments about which I knew nothing. As much as part of me wanted to cross the threshold before me, another part hesitated. I paid attention to that second part and sat still. Something about the weirdness of the situation in which I found myself was familiar. Something about the curious figure seated next to me was disturbingly familiar as well. I knew this man. I KNEW him! But how; from where?

As if he could read my mind, he said, “You are right. We have met. I looked a little different then, but we have met before.”

I was dumbfounded! First of all, how could he have read my thoughts and second, how did he know me? Then, it hit me . . . The Place – The Place of Passage.

Once again, he nodded confirmation and said, “Yes. You are right – The Place.”

I started to speak, but fell silent . . . I closed my eyes and envisioned our first meeting. I recalled how terrified I was when he materialized in the manner in which he had. I recalled the intimidation and confusion that had filled me in that other shadowy place. I also remember the incredible outcome from that initial meeting that helped move me beyond a place in which I had found myself stuck. I could only assume that this encounter would carry similar challenges and potential outcomes . . . but I was still fearful.

“You don’t look the way I remember,” I said.

“No, I don’t, do I? This particular encounter with you required something different” he said.

I ventured a glance in his direction. The reflected stage light from below and the ambient light filtering through the opening to his left gave me a better view of my companion. Even though he was seated, I could tell that he was tall. He wore faded denim jeans, a purple t-shirt and Nike Free running shoes. He had a muscular, athletic build and appeared to be in his 60’s. A small silver disc emblazoned with a raised spiral shape hung from a dark leather cord around his neck. His ebony skin glistened as if coated with millions of minuscule particles of glitter. His dark eyes sparkled like starlight in a midnight sky. Any fear I felt quickly melted away when he smiled and said, “Come, on. It’s time to go!”

With that, he gently took my arm and helped me to my feet. I looked up at him and then into and beyond the opening in front of me. I nodded and said, “Thank you.”

He affectionately squeezed my arm as I stepped into the Unknown.

Please feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page  for more information about my other books and short fiction. Thanks!



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