Day Twenty-Three of 365 – Something to Write


I must admit that when I took on this personal challenge to write an article, part of a story or some meaningful blog post every day for a whole year, I felt a sense of certainty in my ability to do so. Today, on day twenty-three, I find myself struggling just a wee bit.

I can’t say that I have failed in my self-appointed task because words are appearing on the screen in front of me. What I can say is that what you read might not be worth reading. After all, it is really only something to write in order to follow through on a test of will.

All through the day, I find myself looking for, thinking about or hoping for some tidbit of inspiration. Something worth filling the white space in front of me. The challenge of finding  “something to write” every day is akin to doing or being something significant every day. Doing or being significant every day is something that drives me. Finding ways to help someone when they are down; support another in a time of need; provide clarity in a moment of confusion; lend an ear when someone needs to speak. These are things worth attention. These are the things worth of my effort. And then, here I sit needing “something to write”and in writing, I am reminded of things that really matter.

I’m not sure my words are worth reading; however, after reading the last paragraph, perhaps I have found something worth reading . . . Perhaps.


Mark E. Hundley

Please visit my Amazon Author Page to read some of my books and short fiction. Thank you!


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