Day Twenty-Five of 365 – Walking Circumspectly

One of the most fascinating words around (at least in this bald headed cowboy’s opinion) is the word “circumspect.” The word carries the basic meaning of “to look around.” When adding an “ly” to the end of the word and then placing a specific directive in front of it, one might come up with something like, “walk circumspectly.” I wonder what you would do if someone yelled out, “Hey you! Start Walking Circumspectly!”? Apart from being shocked and perhaps a bit unnerved, we might stop and take notice. What in the world would “walking circumspectly” look like?

Since the meaning carries the picture of looking around or paying attention, I’m guessing that walking circumspectly would require us to walk through our day, our life looking around. In other words, paying attention. Wouldn’t that be a kick? Can you imagine what might happen if more of us set an intention in the beginning of each day to pay attention, to observe, to take in the world and its inhabitants as completely as possible?

As I think about that concept, I get the picture of walking through my day a bit slower than usual. How can I catch the details of the day if I sprint through it? I might ask more thoughtful and mindful questions of others or myself. I might listen more intently to the song of a child or the wisdom of an elder. I might take more time to observe the crestfallen face of one belittled by someone consumed by self-absorption. I might consciously determine to  challenge arrogance or bigotry or insensitivity. I might allow myself to indulge in a lingering hug or kiss. I might give myself permission to bestow a little Grace on self or others. I might find the strength to forgive. I might embrace the courage to heal.

Walking Circumspectly demands much from one brave enough to attempt. I don’t know about you but I’m game! I’m willing to give it a shot, for at least one day! I’m willing to purposefully pay attention to all around me. I’m willing to open my heart and mind to the lessons I will learn. I am willing to begin this journey of walking circumspectly. Won’t you join me?


Mark E. Hundley

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