Day Twenty-Eight of 365 – Call It What It Is

I become increasingly discouraged when I look around me. Spin doctors work all the time creating mirages around realities to the extent that facts become a sort of comfortable fiction. As long as we have people bent on distorting events toward their own personal biases in order to gain power or control, we run the risk of losing our direction. As long as we have people bent on accepting the distortions pushed on them without taking the time to evaluate and think, we run the risk of being led down paths of destruction.

Let us exhibit the courage to Call It What It Is – whatever it is! Examples? I can do that. We must call a lie, a lie. We must call deceit, deceit. We must call tyranny, tyranny. We must call bigotry, bigotry. We must call, prejudice, prejudice. We must call self-absorption, self-absorption. We must call greed, greed. You get the point.

In my way of thinking, when we venture to color something destructive anything other than what it is, we deceive ourselves into not only believing a lie, but living a lie.

Spinning is best left to a fitness class at the gym. Spinning is best suited for the wind turbine. Spinning holds no place in governance or religion or education or personal living. Spinning emerges from a desire always be right or come out of a bad situation “smelling like a rose.” Spinning keeps us from growing and maturing as human beings. When we have the courage to “Call It What It Is,” we actually give ourselves opportunities to learn and create solid character.


Mark E. Hundley

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