“Just Do It!” I just love this tag line, don’t you? Oh, I know that some have made light of this iconic slogan through the years but the genius of those three short and powerful words bears noting!

“Just Do It” needs little introduction or explanation. The meaning is clear – especially when one relates it to the Nike brand. “Just Do It” refers to exercise.

“Just Do It” carries weight in other life enhancing activities as well! How many times do we falter when faced with difficult tasks? What are our favorite “excuses” for avoiding the mundane? How often do we shuffle priorities, moving the most important to the lowest rung on our ladder of responsibility?

Following are a few thoughts on how Nike’s “Just Do It” might help us to tackle the tough stuff first!

  1. When tempted to put a task off until tomorrow, “Just Do It!”
  2. In the situations when we convince ourselves that the challenge is too great, “Just Do It!”
  3. On the days that we scare ourselves into believing that we are incapable asking that difficult question, “Just Do It!”
  4. As we survey the obstacles that surround a project and begin to talk ourselves out of attacking them, “Just Do It!”
  5. When we wake up early and listen to our body say, “Go back to sleep, you can (write, exercise, meditate, etc.) later, “Just Do It!”

When I awoke this morning at 5:30, I struggled with what lay ahead. I toyed with the idea of postponing writing this (thus derailing my 365 day commitment). I almost gave in to my sore muscles by not running/working out. As much as I might have wanted to stay in bed an extra hour, that still, small voice in my head whispered urgently, “Just Do It!” I’m glad I did!

What do obstacle stands in your way today? How many mundane but important tasks await your attention? Where do you expect meeting resistance from yourself in completing something difficult? Pause for a moment; close your eyes; take a deep breath; repeat after me . . . “Just Do It!”


I am working on a new book entitled, What Do We Do Now, Daddy?: Crucial Conversations with Children About Death, Loss and Grief. I plan on releasing it sometime this spring. In the meantime, I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page for more information about my books and short fiction.


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