Day Seventeen of 365 – We Are Not Alone

At first glance, the title of this article might cast visions of an “X-Files” episode or serve as the headline announcing a UFO convention. As much as I am a fan of the X-Files, this title has nothing to do with flying saucers or Extra-terrestrial beings. It has, however, everything to do with a reality so profound that we often fail to recognize its power. What is this reality you ask? We . . Are . . . Not . . . Alone!

How often in life do we think … No … believe that we are alone when facing challenges that are part of life? How often do we convince ourselves that no one else understands our struggles? How often do we battle, needlessly alone when facing difficulties that appear insurmountable? My guess is that we do so more often than necessary.

Four short words declare a power available to all of us when we encounter difficulties beyond our ability. We Are Not Alone! We-Are-Not-Alone!

We have family and friends on whom to depend. We have written resources and recorded resources and workshop resources to access. We have Faith and values and ideologies from which to draw strength and direction. We possess the ability to engage others in our quest to move through difficulties beyond our individual capacities. We are not alone. We are NEVER alone! All we need to do is exercise the courage required to make connections with others who are willing to assist and support us.

We are not alone . . . YOU are not alone!


Mark E. Hundley

Please visit my Amazon Author Page for more information about my books and short fiction. 


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