The Beginning seems like a great place to start in most cases, especially when that starting point is the first day of a New Year. When I work with clients, starting at the beginning proves burdensome at times; therefore, I often ask my client “what about today makes this the time to begin counseling?” This, however, is not the beginning of a counseling relationship. No, it is the beginning of a project that will last for one year – 365 days.

What is the project, you ask? Great question! I have decided to publish a blog post each day of 2017! Now on the surface, that might not seem particularly challenging; however, nothing is further from the truth! Writing something meaningful, something purposeful, something useful presents challenges beyond anticipation!

Initiating such an endeavor requires that I spend a lot of time thinking, observing and, at times, researching, to produce paragraphs worth reading. So . . . today is the beginning of a project about which I am excited! I am hopeful that I will learn much about myself, my writing and the delivery of thoughts and ideas. I am also hopeful that this project will make me a better writer; perhaps even a better person. I’ve toyed with this idea on many occasions in the past; however, I always found an excuse or two to postpone. Today I join the “Yoda Club” – the club whose motto is “Do or Do Not! There is No Try!”

What about you? Is there a project, an idea, or dream that you have found ways to put off or avoid pursuing? How willing are you to commit to working a few minutes every day for one year to move that dream, idea or project further toward a point of realization? How willing are you to accept my challenge? Why not choose today as YOUR beginning?


Please feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my books and short fiction.


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