Day Five of 365 – We Are The Ones

The Hopi (Native American) people have a proverb that bears serious consideration when thinking about responsibility. It says, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Rather curious, don’t you think? “WE are the ones we have been waiting for!”

How often in life do we wait for someone or something to come along and change the lot in which we find ourselves? How many times do we pin our hopes of creating a better world on the arrival of some arbitrary date in time, or event of meaning, or person of consequence? I believe we do this more often than we think.

We convince ourselves that the “Waiting Game” is the best one to play when contemplating living a life of meaning and purpose. We embrace “When/Then” thinking. You know what that is . . . When “X” happens, then “Y” will come into being. We say things like, “When I am in a relationship, then I will be happy.” Or, “When they (whoever “they” might be) change the rules, then I will be successful.” I bet you can add many more “When/Then” statements employed by yourself and others. In reality, “When/Then” thinking becomes an excuse for personal inaction.

“We are the ones we have been waiting for,” the Hope Proverb states. WE are the ones! Not some other person or event or group. WE are the ones!

Imagine what we could accomplish in life if we began to adopt this philosophy! Imagine how our schools might change; or our businesses; our places of worship; our relationships! How might our families be transformed? In what ways could we create policies that truly addressed the problems common to us all? I believe the outcomes would be astounding.

Yes, “We are the ones we have been waiting for!” We face problems that demand solving; bridges that need building; relationships that require mending; innovations that invite attention. Who will address these challenges? Why, WE will of course! Not someone else in some yet to be determined time or place. WE are the ones and NOW is the time!

What are you waiting for?



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