Day Fifteen of 365 – Under the Wire

I’m a fan of sayings, old and new! I am fascinated with their meaning, intent and origin. One that finds its way into many conversations is the one, “Under the wire.” You may have used it in connection with turning a paper in at the last minute or completing a project just prior to a deadline or waiting until the very last moment to share an important piece of information. I urge you to Google this phrase. Without a great deal of grinding on and on about the origin of the phrase, it has its beginnings in horse racing in the latter part of the 19th Century. Essentially, it carries the meaning of “at the very last moment.”

What is so fascinating about this particular phrase for me this day? Well, in my quest to post one article per day for the whole year of 2017, today’s article is being published just “under the wire.” I don’t know about you but sometimes when I hear or use this phrase, I wonder about the quality of the work or the validity of the idea or the usefulness of the end product. I sometimes cast a shadow of doubt on the efficacy of the work simply because it has been submitted just “under the wire.”

I would be terribly wrong to continue this particular line of thinking. You see, I had every intention of writing and publishing today’s article much earlier in the day. Alas, life happened and before I knew it, I found myself near the end of the day with nothing written. Nothing! Many thoughts and ideas ran through my head all day long; however, nothing flowed from my brain through my fingers and onto the screen. As the day wound down, it hit me! “Under the Wire!” I could keep my promise to myself and the scant number of people interested in my writing and post Day Fifteen, just “under the wire!”

One thing I have discovered about under the wire ideas or plans or submissions is that they are often some of the most profound and useful. So before you go negatively judging yourself or someone else about submitting something at the last minute, realize some of these truths:

  1. Under the wire submissions often have hours of thought behind them.
  2. Under the wire actions often are the product of long hours of practice.
  3. Under the wire ideas often have their origins in the contemplation of complex and complicated situations.
  4. Under the wire proposals often come only when the essential component finally reveals itself to the one submitting it.

So you see, “Under the wire” can carry an aspect of quality that reveals itself only to those patient enough to wait for those gems that come at the last second . . . just “Under the Wire! I’m hopeful you’ll enjoy this “Under the Wire” submission!


Mark E. Hundley

Please feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page to learn more about my books and short fiction. Thanks!


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