More than any time in my life, I believe that our country stands on the edge of a precipice gazing down and into a dark pit. It is a pit that contains all that is troublesome and vexing – all of those demons buried deep in the collective psyche of “We the People” that we would rather forget. It holds all of those bothersome and shameful beliefs, perceptions and actions that mar the decency of our humanity. We have somehow convinced ourselves that we have them under control – that we have them securely locked in “their place” for safe keeping. Folks, we do NOT have those horrid human frailties in check! We do NOT!

Perhaps we have lulled ourselves into believing our power and prominence as a country have automatically caused us to rise above the pettiness of such weaknesses. Perhaps we have whitewashed our “soul stains” so often that even we are unable to detect the darkness that clings to the bones of our spirits. Perhaps we have invited the fear of the different to our dinner table so many times that we have bought into the false beliefs that anyone/anything that does not look like, smell like, sound like, act like, believe like or perceive like we do is somehow an abomination, shunned at least and destroyed at most. Perhaps we find some perverse pleasure in denigrating others, believing that we are better than they.

I find myself shocked, saddened and appalled almost daily by the actions of people who should know better; think more deeply; behave more civilly. Have we become sheep, led down paths of destruction by clowns and charlatans and demagogues all bent on elevating themselves to places of power so that they can re-make the world in their own twisted image? Our political, cultural and religious scenes, in many respects, have become places devoid of compassion, civility, reflection, introspection, humility and gratitude.

These are the things I see as I tentatively peer over the edge of the pit . . . and they terrify me!

Black is White and White is Black! Up is Down and Down is Up! Good is Bad and Bad is Good! What once was clear is now murky! We judge and decide based on what what we DON”T know rather than beginning deliberations based on what we DO know! Obfuscation becomes the filter through which we decide the steps we take in our pursuit of order and meaning. Rather than hovering over the chaos of life looking for times and places to insert peace and order, we more often than not find ourselves either helping create chaos or stepping into the middle of it, mindless of its ultimately destructive nature.

Perhaps we have come to a place where we would rather release the contents of the dark pit and invite destruction of our humanity. Perhaps . . . but deep in my spirit, I believe not! I believe that hope still reigns!

Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Many throughout history have posited similar sentiments to rally those who have the courage to stand and face down the ignorance, arrogance, appeal and horror of darkness. Now is a good time . . . no, a GREAT time to rally under that banner! We are in need of people willing to stand for decency, honor, humility, compassion and grace. We are in need of people wise enough to hover over the chaos of life and then act decisively and humanely when inserting order in the midst of the storm.

We are On The Edge but maybe the edge of something other than the obvious. The obvious, the loudest, the most obnoxious, the most disgusting of humanity does not have to win. We can do better, be better, live better, decide better, love better govern better and yes, worship better than we are now. Perhaps we are On The Edge of building bridges, making connections, healing wounds and correcting mistakes. Perhaps… Only time will tell.

Peace, my friends!


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