FEARANDHATEFEARANDHATEFEARANDHATEFEARANDHATE… FEARandHATE… FEARandhate… fearandHATE… Fear and Hate… fear and hate… fear… and… hate… fear and hate… fear and hate…

Perhaps it is time for each of us to S L O W D O W N… think for our selves… filter out the fear and hate… realize that good and evil and always have been tied together; that good and evil have always been at odds; that good and evil have always been opposing forces . . . and . . . begin standing for the HUMAN BEING in every person on this planet; realizing that some (SOME not ALL) of those who believe differently than we, (whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu, SIkh, Bhuddist, etc.) have crossed the line of moral decency, spiritual enlightenment and human dignity and into a world of HATE and DESTRUCTION where anyone who believes differently than we should be eliminated. Please, please, please… stop… think… pray… before spewing hatred in any direction toward anyone… please!

PEACE, my friends!

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