Which World?

I re-read a selection recently by Dr. Wayne Dyer in which he said, “Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.”

Talk about a matter of perspective! Talk about the power of choice! Wow!

We walk the same sidewalks; drive the same streets; visit the same parks; go to the the same theaters; attend the same places of worship; study at the same schools; work at the same places as others around us! And yet . . . all of these places fall somewhere on the continuum between Loving and Hostile!

What’s the difference? Why, WE are of course! WE are the difference! Dr. Dyer said it well: “Loving people live in a Loving world. Hostile people live in a Hostile World. Same World!”

I wonder what might happen if we all begin Living more Lovingly? I wonder how our workplace might change! I wonder what effect it would have on our schools? I wonder how driving in rush hour might shift? I wonder how our children would respond to us? I wonder in what ways our spouses and partners might benefit? I wonder how WE might feel? I wonder!

Living in a Loving World is a matter of perspective – a matter of choice! May we all begin to Live more Lovingly!


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