I have been speaking in public now since 1971 and writing (somewhat seriously) since 1992. I’ve had folks ask me from time to time why I do what I do – speak and write. I guess that the best answer to that question is a simple one – I am compelled to do so.

This simple answer hides deep complexities however. Although I cannot speak for other writers and speakers for certain, I venture to say that most share similar sentiments. The deeper, more complex part of this answer lies in the secret desires, hopes and dreams of those same authors/speakers. What is it you ask?

Well, for me it is the desire and dream that my writing will be read. Purchased would be wonderful because that would afford me the opportunity to make a living at one of the things I love most; however, I will take the being “read” part any day.. The second half of that desire is that as a speaker, I will have abundant opportunities to share the messages hidden inside that have been forged by years of living life. Alas, for most authors/speakers we find ourselves longing for that which fails to materialize in the ways our dreams drive us.

What do we do? Speaking only for myself… I struggle with abandoning the dream completely or prodding along with the hope that I will meet the right person, at the right time for the right reasons and doors will open… knowing that the likelihood of that happening dims with each passing day.

I speak for some of the same reasons. Many, many times – more often than not in fact – I waive my fee in order to have the chance to deliver a message, address a challenging question, create frameworks for living, paint visual pictures that hopefully help others move more confidently through the world. Perhaps one of the short books I write this year will chronicle that personal journey.

So as I continually ponder this somewhat self-imposed plight, I have come to a decision… I will write because I want to – because I love to tell stories, posit questions, create thought frameworks, challenge tradition. I will speak because I have more words than the average woman and would explode if I kept them under wraps. 😉

I love the Amazon publishing platform. I have the chance to put my thoughts out there and four times a year GIVE them away for FREE! At least that way I know someone is reading or at least glancing at the work of my soul ;-).  I LOVE giving away the two books and four short stories! It’s fun… and sometimes on rare occasions, what I give away makes a connection with someone at a right time in their lives… and that is extremely rewarding.

Like I said in an previous post, I have several writing projects scheduled for the next 12 months. I have been true to my commitment to myself and have written at least something every day and will do so until I’ve completed the 365 day challenge.

So, what shall I do? I’ll keep writing Tweets, Thoughts for the day, articles, Blog posts, short stories, workshop curricula, books and observations about this crazy thing called life, all in hopes that someone might benefit from my efforts. I shall also speak every chance I get. You see, I have something to say and I am compelled to share it.

There you have it! Some of the “behind the scenes” stuff my mind and heart put me through on a daily basis. I have heard it said before that “at any given time we are only 5 to 6 people away from the one person we need to meet who can help us achieve our dreams.” If that is so, then that hope also drives what I do.

Thanks for reading this looooonnng rambling post.




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