I haven’t written much on here lately . . . nothing in a few weeks, in fact. I’ve been silent for the most part – posting pics; liking the posts of others; sharing the posts of others on FB and Twitter – but mostly silent.

“What’s wrong” you might ask? Well, nothing really. I’ve just been silent . . . contemplative . . . working to listen to that deepest part of my heart . . . working to sort out and sift through the waves of information that surge around and through me every day.

Now silence is a bit of a challenge for this bald-headed Texas cowboy! Vanessa claims that I have more words that the average WOMAN, not just the average man! I’m not sure about that but I can talk up a storm if given the chance. But silence . . . now that’s another story.

John Grossman says that “Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.” I like that and therefore . . . I am comfortable with this period of silence. I am comfortable in the presence of everything . . .

I will observe; “like;” comment; encourage; – but I will honor this silence of writing until it is time to break it.

Peace my friends!

P.S. ~ I have a question for you . . . “When Silence enters YOUR life, in what ways do you embrace it? Just curious . . .”

I invite you to visit my Amazon Author Page in order to find out about all four books currently available for digital download! Thanks!


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