I heard something today that really caused me to stop and think. In the middle of a conversation, a friend of mine said “I have learned to become the Perfect Chameleon!” The Perfect Chameleon – what a talent . . . and what a burden!

As I thought about this statement it dawned on me that many of us have learned to become the Perfect Chameleon – shifting and changing to fit in with situations or people even when those shifts and changes have little or nothing to do with the real “us!”

More often than not this Perfect Chameleon Syndrome expresses itself in our efforts to relate to or be accepted by others. This shifting and changing might work well enough as long as we are with one person at a time – if we are in the presence of only one of those from whom we seek acceptance. What happens when we are in a room full of those “someones?” Yep! You got it! Disaster!

Imagine having all of those in whose image we seek to shape ourselves congregate in one place! Imagine the extreme discomfort we would face! Imagine having to prioritize and rank those people in order of importance realizing that we will ultimately disappoint at least one if not all! Imagine how maddening that would be!

Now that you have mopped the sweat off your brow after envisioning that impossible scene . . . take a deeeeep breath and relax! There! That’s better

What if, instead of becoming the Perfect Chameleon we decided to become the Perfect Me? You know what that looks like – the Perfect Me with all my imperfections; all my foibles; all my eccentricities; all my shortcomings; all my talents; all my personality! Imagine that! Now imagine how freeing it would be to walk into a room knowing that we are perfectly comfortable with who we are – who we are in the process of becoming! There! Doesn’t THAT feel better?

Here is the challenge today . . . Instead of working to become the Perfect Chameleon why not work at becoming the Perfect You – that you that is full of all the stuff that makes you unique? Dare to be you! Dare to be imperfect because that is what the Perfect You consists of – the entire blend of splendid imperfections that make you who you are! Embrace that! Explore that! Revel in that!

Just a few thoughts from a Bald Headed Texas Cowboy!


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