Get Lost in Your Dreams – But Watch Your Steps!

Who wouldn’t want to go for a run in 63 degree weather in the middle of January? Wow! Perfect conditions – a little windy – but perfect nonetheless. Thus . . . I donned my running gear and hit the pavement!

About 1/2 mile into my anticipated 3.2 run I was already in that “zone” that runners understand. I was “there” allowing my mind to flow freely, envisioning the week ahead, the special projects to prepare and promote, the clients on my schedule . . . Getting lost in my Dreams.

Then it happened! Out of nowhere the sidewalk reached up and every so gently grabbed my right big toe! Jarred out or my self-imposed revery, I stumbled along seeking to catch my balance; leaning forward ever closer to the pavement; flailing my arms to re-establish equilibrium. But alas, that sneaky piece of pavement won out and I sprawled on the sidewalk hitting palms first (jarring the heck out of my shoulders and neck) and then instinctively rolled to my right shoulder to avoid taking a bite out of the sidewalk.

You know what happened next! Yep! I jumped up hoping that no one had witnessed my clumsiness! I dusted myself off and started to . . . no . . . not run. I started to walk . . . slowly . . . making sure nothing was broken . . . acutely aware of the scrape on my right shoulder and the abrasions on my palms. I also berated myself for not paying attention! Dang!

I had a choice! I was about 1.2 miles into my run. I could turn around and walk back home nursing my wounds and my ego and cover 2.4 miles or I could go ahead and finish the full 3.2 run! What did I do? Yep, you guessed it! I finished the course!

For the remainder of the run, I thought about what had happened and was reminded of some very sound lessons about the pursuit of dreams.

  1. I was reminded of the importance of getting lost in one’s dreams – to pursue them with passion! No dream will ever be realized without devotion to the purpose!
  2. I was reminded that we must pay attention to the steps we take while in pursuit of those dreams – even though and perhaps especially when we walk familiar paths.
  3. I was reminded that we must expect the unexpected! Challenges, problems, obstacles come in all shapes and sizes and many times do not announce their intent in advance.
  4. I was reminded that we will fall on occasion; that we will stumble; that the path we follow will sometimes become sinister.
  5. I was reminded that we are not alone. As much as we might think that we are the only one to have fallen we must realize that others have stumbled too and that we can reach out rather than remain victimized by embarrassment!
  6. I was reminded that we must get back up and continue on in the pursuit of those dreams – get lost in them again; but this time paying closer attention to the steps we take.

I’m hopeful that my little tumble has helped ground you in the pursuit of your dreams! I know that I certainly am more “grounded!”


I invite you to learn more about a special promotion I’m running during the months of January and February 2014 called I’ll Speak For Free! I would LOVE to be a part of a program you are planning for your group!

I also invite you to visit my Author Page to find out more about my books!


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