Five Wonderful Gifts That Cost Nothing – Well Almost!

I don’t know about you but I almost refuse to go out to the mall or outlet center or super store to shop this year! The noise and crowds and chaos just about push me over the edge! Besides, most people on my list either already have what I’m considering purchasing or have already purchased the item!

What’s a person to do?

Well, this year I’ve decided to focus on giving Five Wonderful Gifts That Cost Nothing – Well Almost nothing! The coolest part of giving these gifts is that I can give these gifts to almost anyone, anywhere at anytime! I can even give some them to strangers! What ARE these gifts you ask? Let me share them with you!

  1. A Smile! That’s right, a simple smile can be given to anyone I meet. Smiling is part of the Universal Language! A smile is contagious! A smile generates warm feelings! A smile can calm frayed nerves! A smile connects me with another human being!
  2. An Ear! Yes, an ear! Taking a few moments to just listen to another person is an amazing gift! It could be a friend or family member; a child or teenager; a colleague; a stranger. Having someone listen to us – even for a few moments – often creates a sense of connection and well-being that cannot be measured!
  3. Time! Life tends to drive itself at warp speed most days! With “Instant Everything” at our fingertips and multiple irons in multiple fires we very often rush by opportunities to connect one-to-one with significant others. We must make a conscious choice to slow down and give this gift. The gift of our Presence is invaluable!
  4. A Hug! Now I’m not suggesting that you run up to total strangers and grab them in a bear hug! You might wind up spending your Christmas behind bars! What I am suggesting is that you become mindful of the opportunities to embrace someone. Hugs can be classified as hand squeeze hugs; elbow squeeze hugs; side hugs; “friendly hugs”; or Bear hugs! Hug appropriately! Hug often! But HUG!
  5. A Donation! Let’s face it, most of us have way more than we need! We have become expert accumulators! Donations can come in many forms – time (volunteering); food; gently used toys; gently used clothing (coats especially during winter months); gently used household items; or money! There are many non-profit organizations in our respective communities whose focus is to meet basic needs of others who might find themselves in a tough spot.

There you have it! Five Wonderful Gifts That Cost Nothing to give! Imagine the joy that we can share if we will determine to give one or all five this Christmas!

I’m going to work to be very generous with these gifts this Christmas! Won’t you join me?


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