Five Steps to a Meaningful Holiday Season

As much as we want the Holidays to be completely happy and without incident, the reality is that we often find ourselves dealing with distressful situations. As a gift from me to you, I would like to share Five Steps to a Meaningful Holiday Season. I am hopeful that you will find them useful this Holiday Season.

Slow Down
Take time to just “Be!” This is a conscious choice. Make time to feel, share and seek appropriate support.

Make time for reflection, remembering and renewal. Sometimes we must learn to move backward a bit in order to move forward. Determine the Rituals of Meaning that you wish to continue and/or create new rituals that incorporate components of past, present and future.

Scale back a bit. Focus on relationships. Aim for moderation. Re-think your gift-giving. Look for ways to support charities or memorials.

Plan With Flexibility
Anticipate and prepare. Be open to different activities or locations in your celebrations. Do not be surprised when all is not perfect! Work to embrace the unexpected.

Take Care of Yourself
Eat wisely, rest, exercise (even a short walk can be helpful), maintain established medical routines. Set boundaries if necessary – determine what you will and won’t do – the things with which you are comfortable and those with which you are not.

My wish for you is be very best Holiday Season ever!


If you are looking for meaningful gifts to give this Christmas please consider one of my books: Awaken to Good Mourning is a wonderful gift to share with someone who has lost a loved one to death and is struggling with the Holidays. Simply the Best is a book that can help a person set a course for a more meaningful life in the coming new year! Finally, Fear? Not!  is a nifty little short fiction offering that addresses dealing with fear from a rather unique perspective. I hope you’ll consider sharing of these books this Christmas! Take care!


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