The Apache People have a saying that goes like this: “It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand.”

Rather intriguing don’t you think? This proverb takes speaking through actions to a whole new level!

How often do we hear our leaders – lawmakers, educators, company presidents, etc. – “talk a good game?” My guess is that at least once a day those who would consider themselves leaders find words that sound good and powerful and wise and spout them without thought of the associated inferences.

How often do we hear these words yet see little if any action consistent with the declaration? Far too often, I fear . . .

The challenge today is to focus on action – purposeful action that addresses life in practical, useful, reconciling ways. Learn to ask yourself . . . learn to ask your leaders . . . “What are you doing about what you are saying?

Join me in pursuit of this challenge, won’t you? May we grow to have “less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand.”


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