We are Busy, Busy, Busy! We run here and dash there so much that finding time to evaluate our activity is lost in the madness!

You’ve often heard the adage, “too many irons in the fire!” I’m thinking that in today’s fast-paced world it might be more accurate to say that we have “too many irons in too many fires!” We are not content to focus on even one fire at a time!

This type of unexamined busyness often causes us to flounder under the tyranny of the urgent! Everything becomes a priority no matter how small or insignificant. Urgency becomes the rule of the day!

The late Stephen Covey said, “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” Do you find yourself in that predicament from time to time? I know that I do!

Here’s a little challenge just for today. Stop where you are. Set a timer for five minutes. Map out the three most important things you must do today and then set about doing them. Stay focused on those things until you complete them. Take note of how you feel!

If the challenge works today, perhaps putting it into practice tomorrow and the next day and the next and . . . you get the picture. Perhaps it could change the way we live and work and play and love and plan.


Living a Better Life is something that appeals to all of us! I invite you to visit my Amazon Kindle page for my book Simply the Best and read stories about people who have found ways to create a better life despite circumstance that might dictate otherwise!


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