Defining Greatness!

The Crow Nation has a proverb that states, “You already possess everything necessary to become great!”

That is “Simply” Profound!

How often do we find ourselves playing the “If/Then or When/Then Game?” You know . . . the one that begins with “If I could just have _____ then I could be great!” or “When I have ______ then I will be great!” I don’t know about you but I likely play it far too often. I’m working hard to catch myself when those thoughts enter my mind and change them before they become statements!

You and I already possess everything necessary to become great! Perhaps we need to participate in two exercises in order to realize the power of this proverb.

First, we need to take stock of everything we DO possess – acknowledge and embrace those “gifts.” Often the ease of focusing on what we do NOT possess overshadows the power of what we DO possess! Once we have a better understanding of what we have in our lives and at our fingertips we will be better prepared to put those things into play! The Law of the Harvest guarantees that we will harvest WHAT we plant; MORE than we plant: and LATER than we plant! The one caveat here is that we have to plant something! That begins when we take stock of what we have in the here and now!

Second, we just might need to examine and perhaps re-define the word “greatness!” What does that word truly mean? To what aspect of life does it apply? How would greatness, once determined, become the hallmark of our living? Have we adopted a definition of greatness that is not our own? Are we working to live up to the expectations of others? Are the dreams we seek to realize coming from another ones heart?

How do you define greatness? What does it look like to you? What steps are you taking on a daily basis to become that greatness?

I am hopeful that you will begin this day by looking into your own life and discovering that “You already possess everything necessary to become great!”


For suggestions and strategies that might help you determine your path to greatness, I invite you to consider reading Simply the Best via Amazon Kindle.


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