THAT Problem . . . You Know the One!

I would like to share with you a Solution to That Problem!

We all have at least one problem staring us in the face right now! If not, just hang around and one will arrive with your name on it!

More often than not it’s a problem about which we know a great deal! Why you may ask? Well, we often seek to ignore, cover over or unrealistically re-frame a particular problem only to have it return under different circumstances confirming that the strategies we used to address it (or more likely NOT address it) did not work!

I would like to share a solution to that problem you face – a solution likely to lead to an answer and I don’t even have to know the nature or the problem! Interested?

Here it is: The Sioux people have a proverb that states, “Love yourself; get outside yourself and take action. Focus on the solution; be at peace!”

  1. Love Yourself! We all hear messages about self-love and positive self-esteem! They are everywhere! I’m not really sure they work as well as we think they do. The primary reason is that not all of those messages take into account that Self Love requires honesty, realism and grace. Self Love does not cover over our foibles or make excuses for them. Self Love demands that we take a close look at who we really are – wrinkles and all – and then bestow love that embraces those wrinkles. Only then can we realistically address the problems we face.
  2. Get Outside Yourself! Solving that problem requires us to acknowledge that we do not p0ssess all the resources within us to successfully address all of our problems! Solving that problem requires that we sometimes seek perspective from others!
  3. Take Action! Problems will never be solved by simply thinking about taking action! We must ACT! Decide! Choose! Pick a Path and Pursue it!
  4. Focus on the Solution! Problem solving requires that our energy be focused on the solution and not the problem! If all we think about is the problem, we might actually BECOME the problem! Focus on the solution instead!
  5. Be At Peace! Honestly, if we have covered the first four bases to the best of our ability we can Be At Peace that we have done all within our power and can then trust the process set in motion to run its course!

There! Five simple steps! Nuff said!


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