
“The most lasting and meaningful connections we will make with another human being will always be at the point of his/her pain and never at the point of his/her victory!” I often share this phrase during presentations to groups when discussing the power of being with another human being during a time of extreme distress. Through the years I have heard countless stories from individuals that verify the truth of this statement! My own experience of being on the receiving end of such extensions of kindness add credence to it as well!

Let’s face it, when life deals us blows that threaten to take us out, having a loving, caring and compassionate friend in our corner to hold our hand can make all the difference in the world! As you read this, I can almost see your wheels turning, churning out the names of folks who have done this for you at some point in your lifetime! Comforting isn’t it?

We have just endured a very long and tough week in which visual reminders of how fragile life is have been burned into our minds via the media! Our collective hearts have gone out to those most intimately touched by these tragedies! There are times that we have perhaps felt helpless, unable to do anything . . . and yet, we can do something!

On this Friday – the day ending a week of tragedy and tears in Boston and the town of West, TX, let those of us who are not close by, connect with the victims, survivors and families who have lost loved ones through thoughts and prayers.

May we also be more mindful of where we are today! May we be kind, considerate and approachable. May we pay more attention to those around us. May we reach out, listen, support, connect! May we be aware of the opportunities to be “difference makers!”


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