Time! Time! Time! It seems that everything we do is dictated by TIME!

Do we have enough of it? Do we have too MUCH of it? Will we be on time? Will we run out of it?How much do we have on hand?

We say that we can kill it; make it; spend it; find it; gain it; lose it; save it; manage it; waste it; pass it!

We say that Time is a thief! We say that Time is Money! We say that Time Flies! We say that Time Drags On! We talk about there being a Right Time for things and a Wrong Time for things!

We even say that Time Heals – as if it possesses some magical, mystical power to soothe all wounds we experience in life. It does not!

Yes, we have a rather strange and sometimes tenuous relationship with time! The only thing that I know for sure about Time is that . . . it Passes! That’s right, Time Passes!

What we do with the time we have determines many things in our lives. I want to quote C.S. Lewis a couple of times here as a point of reference. First he says, “The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” This tells me that we all have the same amount of time to accomplish whatever it is that we seek to accomplish in life! We are all on equal ground with the time available to us! So saying “I just don’t have enough time” might well be a feeble excuse to avoid doing something or to cover our tracks for NOT doing something of significance!

The second C.S. Lewis quote is, “The present is the point at which Time Touches Eternity.” Now this tells me that I must be mindful of how I invest my life within the time I have. This tells me that anything I do that is of Eternal Significance will be accomplished in all of my present moments! I cannot go back an undo what has already found its way into the mechanism of the Universe! I cannot run ahead into the future – even for one brief moment – to prepare the world for what I put into play through my actions and choices. I have now . . . this moment to invest in the time I have.

My point? Simply this: I urge each of us to work to be ever mindful of the kinds of energy we put into play through our thoughts and actions! We all have the same amount of time and we all have the same opportunity to invest in the time we have. May we invest wisely.



As you think about the upcoming Holidays there may be folks who come to mind who need a little extra TLC. Some of these folks have lost loved ones to death in the past year or so and the Holidays may be difficult for them. May I suggest that you consider giving the Gift of Healing by giving Awaken to Good Mourning? Simply go to http://pagani.temp.domains/~ywlntjqt/Awaken_to_Good_Mourning.html to order a copy.


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