Speaking of Gas, Groceries and Guesswork!

I am hopeful that this finds you well despite the “meantime” in which we find ourselves at this particular juncture.  “What meantime,” you ask?  When is the last time you filled your car up with gas (is it really liquid gold?) or bought groceries for the family?  Pretty scary, huh?

Just this morning, I filled up my vehicle and it cost me $60!  Man, it seems only yesterday that I choked on $30 tanks of gas!  And groceries!  Has your local grocer started limiting the amount of rice you can buy?  I hear that is the case in many locales!  What about the price of milk?  Must be some pretty high end cows producing our moo juice!  Wow!

The old budget just keeps taking it on the chin, it seems!  Like Brooks & Dunn’s song, I’m Proud of the House We Built says, “At the end of the day, there’s always more bills than money!”  Yep!  This is a pretty mean time to say the least!

I don’t know about you, but I routinely hear people worry out loud about what’s going to happen next.  Where prices are going to land?  What necessity of life will suddenly become scarce?  When will they lose their job?  Will they be able to stay in their house?  You get the picture — perhaps you are even in one of those pictures today.  Sounds a whole lot like the Y2K scare!  Remember that one?  The whole world was going to go to hell in a hand basket!  People perched on the precipice of panic — collecting, hoarding, and hiding.  Well, it wasn’t nearly as bad as predicted now was it?  I must be honest and say that I teeter on the brink of this mindset at times myself, however.  It is often tough not to.

If we listen to the prognosticators of the day — the prophets of doom and gloom — the “experts” . . . well it can be pretty damn frightening!  So many broadcast from a mentality of scarcity — a mentality that causes people to pull into themselves and protect what is “theirs!” Charity takes a back seat!

You know what?  All the best prognostications, prophecies and pontifications perpetuated by those who do such things are simply “guesswork” at best!  Who really knows what tomorrow (better yet, the next hour) holds for us?  Guesswork!

Here is my question for the day:  What might happen if we made a conscious effort to shift to a mentality of abundance and begin expressing gratitude for just one thing a day that makes life worth living?  I wonder . . .  I may not be able to control the price of oil, but I sure can control my gratitude meter!  I’m game if you are!  I’ll start my daily list and see how my world view changes!  Won’t you join me?

Until next time . . . Peace!


Author’s note: I originally published this brief article back in 2008 on another blog platform. As I looked at it today, I realized that yesterday I DID fill up the vehicle for around $60! Not much has changed in some respects and yet . . . in many respects things have changed drastically! Regardless, the message is the same: The best work of all our “prophets” is merely guesswork! WE have the power of choice! WE have the power to create a life counter to the flow! Hope you’ll start that list today!

P.S. ~ I hope you will consider visiting the Amazon Kindle site for information about my book Awaken to Good Mourning. It was recently released on all major eReader platforms and can be given as a gift! You don’t even have to have a Kindle to read it! You can download it to your PC or other mobile device and give it as a gift to one struggling with the aftermath of the death of a loved one! Here’s the link http://tinyurl.com/6mzkrzf


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