And it came to pass! Is this phrase familiar to you?

If you have ever been to church or listened to a sermon you have likely heard this phrase, “It came to pass!” Now usually, this phrase serves to simply introduce the next series of events. For example, “It came to pass that the that a certain man . . .” You get the picture!

What if we could make this phrase mean something else? What if this phrase could serve as a point of perspective – a reminder that where we are at this current moment is not a permanent place? Be of good cheer! I believe that is exactly what this phrase can and does mean!

So often when life throws us a curve ball that fails to break we find ourselves diving for the dirt or nursing the effects of a direct hit. I’ve had many of these curve balls thrown my way during my journey on this Rock! Some I’ve dodged. Some I’ve hit out of the park and still others have beaned me! Knocked me to the ground. In those times – the times when life appears to have won, I feel that I may never get up off the ground. My vision blurs. My hope fades. I feel that where I am at that moment will last forever!

And . . . subtly . . . slowly . . . this little phrase comes to mind. “And IT came to pass!”

In recent years, I have experienced the power of this phrase in ways I never dreamed possible. Allow me to share the simple profundity of this phrase.

And IT . . . whatever IT is . . . comes simply to PASS! In other words, the difficulty, the challenge, the seemingly hopeless situation that has invaded my space is here for only the briefest of times. It will NOT last forever. I must learn to “go with the flow.” And, how do I go about accomplishing this?

  1. Acknowledge and Embrace the situation for what it is – a real life challenge. It does me no good to seek to ignore it or pretend it does not affect me.
  2. Spend Appropriate Time examining the situation. How has this affected me? Others in my life? What can I do to handle the immediate crisis?
  3. Grieve the natural loss or losses that routinely accompany such situations. Change of any kind creates a sense of loss that must be grieved.
  4. Connect with my belief system, resources around me and my own personal resiliency to begin building a perspective of possibility.
  5. Begin moving forward knowing that as I do, I attract the power of the inevitable . . . that IT came simply to PASS.

I’m hopeful that you will find this information helpful as you continue YOUR personal journey of hope!


I’m excited about the upcoming release of Awaken to Good Mourning on Kindle and Nook around May 20! Hope you’ll stay tuned for more information!


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