“On second thought” – now there’s a phrase to catch one’s attention!  It announces that you have determined to give pause and think about what you just said.  Further, it indicates that a new statement is forthcoming – perhaps one that carries the weight of a bit more contemplation.  So often, we speak from the flow of thought without examining the power behind our thinking, thus without fully understanding the potential power of our words.

Words possess the potential to lift up or bring down; to tear apart or bind together; to bring enlightenment or create darkness; to hurt or help; to nurture health or choke out life.  Words are indeed powerful; yet the real power lies in the thinking behind the words!

The wisdom literature of Psalms 23:7 states, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”  Now if these words were true, by the time I was 18, I would have become a girl!  The awesome power of thoughts, right?  Seriously, the intent of this counsel is obvious!  Our thinking determines the path of our existence.  Our health or lack thereof issues from our thinking!

The Allure of “Stinkin Thinkin!”

 In counseling circles, we often refer to negative thought processes as “stinkin thinkin!”  We have all fallen victim to “stinkin thinkin” from time to time – it’s almost impossible to escape.  The tragedy lies not in occasionally falling into its trap; the real tragedy exists when “stinkin thinkin” takes complete control of our words and actions!

Let’s face it; life today does everything in its power to force us to focus on the negative and hurtful.  We are inundated with reasons for defeatist attitudes and outlooks!  In order to combat the mental, emotional and spiritual onslaught, we must purposefully take steps to counter the effects of “stinkin thinkin!”

What’s a Person to Do?  Seven Steps to Healthier Thinking

 The human mind is a wonderful thing!  We possess the ability to reason, reflect and re-direct our thought processes!  We possess the power of choice!  In order to replace “stinkin thinkin” with thoughts that nurture healthy living, I want to offer the following guidelines as beginning points.

  • Pause before you speak or act. Take a deep breath and allow yourself time to formulate exacvtly what you intend to say or do keeping in mind that healthy outcomes are the intent.
  • Check your self-talk.  What are you saying to yourself?  Are your words negative and destructive or are they supportive and positive?
  • Reflect on the influence of your self-talk.  Historically, what attitudes, actions perceptions and beliefs have come as a result of your self-talk?  How satisfied are you with those results?
  • Visualize what you really want to do, be or accomplish.  How do those visualizations differ from where you are at this moment?
  • Create affirmations consistent with your visualizations.  Remember that “as we think is our heart, so we are!”  Change your self-talk with simple, positive and powerful statements that can be written down, read regularly and committed to memory.
  • Access resources that support your efforts to change your thinking.  Read books that address positive change.  Listen to tapes or cds that outline practical steps to positive living.  Attend seminars.  Engage the services of a professional counselor of life coach.  Find yourself a mentor.  Appropriate support is key to creating healthy thinking!
  • Commit to consistency.  The Law of the Harvest states:  You harvest what you plant!  You harvest more than you plant!  You harvest later than you plant!  Change that lasts will not come over night!  It will take time; however, as with any garden, a commitment to consistently planting and tending to the seeds, guarantees a harvest that exceeds the initial investment.

On Second Thought

 I am hopeful that today as you read this article, you will allow yourself to entertain “second thoughts!”  I am hopeful that you will allow yourself to feel the power of your thoughts and begin to believe in the possibility of creating a healthier life as a result!  I am convinced that choosing to change our thinking will result in experiences beyond our expectations!  I think . . . no . . . On Second Thought . . . I KNOW this to be true!

Until next time . . . Peace . . . and . . . Second Thoughts!





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