Second Edition of Awaken to Good Mourning in print!

Just popped in to share some very exciting news! My website has changed significantly in design as well as accessibility! I am now offering both the original version of Awaken to Good Mourning in audio/cd format and the revised and updated Second Edition of Awaken to Good Mourning in print! In the very near future, we plan on offering the Second Edition in both Ebook and Kindle formats!

Please visit and peruse the new website!

Perhaps one of the most exciting developments for me is that we are now making my short stories available for download in MP3 format! The first in the series under the main title of The Place of Passage is the short story, “Fear? NOT!” I had great fun with this project and am pleased to make this initial download available for FREE! Simply go to the website, scroll to the bottom of the Books page, click the download button and listen away! I welcome your feedback!

There are currently five short stories in the series with another ten in the works! Living in the Meantimes requires that we draw inspiration from many sources . . . this new website is just one way I am hopeful to share ideas about how to live successfully in midst of the Meantimes of life!

Take care!


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