Breaking News
Another Story!
Every Step
Has a Story:
The Cyclone Story
On the road

never forget moving back to the town of my birth ~ Memphis, TX ~ in the
summer prior to my junior year in high school. It was not a move about
which I was extremely excited to say the least.

I had spent, what
I considered to be at that point in my life, the best four years ever
in Ft. Smith, AR! When I received the news of the move, I sought every
conceivable way to alter the plans to take me away from my friends, my
school and my activities. Regardless of the approach I took, none worked
and I found myself in that small town in the Panhandle of Texas.

wasn't like I was moving in as a total stranger. I had spent
considerable time there and had even attended school on a couple of
occasions over the years ~ but this was different. I was moving during
high school!

I decided that I would work to make the best of it
and found myself engaged in summer two-a-day football workouts almost as
soon as my feet hit the ground.

I recall, after the first
practice, how excited I was to be part of such an extraordinary group of
guys! They were perhaps one of the most talented collection of players I
had seen in a long time! I suddenly felt a that maybe the move would
have some positive outcomes after all.

Well, the season began and
in my mind I could see a perfect record shaping up . . . and we DID
have a perfect record ~ 0 and 10! Yes! We lost every game we played! We
were everyone's Homecoming game! It was humiliating and disappointing to
say the least.

I looked back at that season often and wondered what happened, then one day many years later, it hit me!

I cannot say for sure how far reaching the impact on the team, the
school or the town ~ I realized that the death of a senior football
player in  a tragic car accident the month or so prior to the beginning
of school had to have played a part in what transpired that year.

small towns, there is a closeness that often defies description. The
entire town was devastated! As a teen, I was unable to emotionally or
intellectually quantify what I sensed and experienced, but the impact
was obvious!

A  pall hovered over the community that perhaps
continues even today. I know that I often reflect back on the potential
effects that single event had on a community, a school and a team.

can only speculate, but through the years, I have witnessed similar
effects on students, schools and communities when a tragedy of this sort
interrupts the routine.

The fall 1969 season for the Memphis
Cyclone football team is in the record as a perfect season ~ 0 and 10 ~
but, from where I stand now, there should be an asterisk beside that

Greetings Folks!

In the interim between
sending issues of the monthly newsletter, I am sharing stories gathered
along my journey of life. Occasionally, I will share news that cannot
wait for the next newsletter. This email is one of those ~ one in which I
will share important news and a story pertinent to the Every Step Has a Story project.

awaken each day in anticipation of the new opportunities that will
present themselves for consideration! A recent development fits this

Thanks for your continued interest!


Oh By the Way . . .
On the road
in March, you might remember that I had the chance to present a break
out session for LAMP '10 in Las Vegas. The LAMP Conference is associated
with the General Agents and Managers Association Intl ~ a life
insurance and financial services association. My presentation addressed
compassionate delivery of death benefits in the life insurance industry.

the end of that presentation, a gentleman with the State Farm Insurance
Company approached and asked if I would be interested in visiting
further about doing some work with either the company as a whole, agents
of the company or both. I responded that I would welcome that chance
and he indicated that he would be in contact.

Last week the
gentleman called and we began to visit about setting up a meeting time
that was mutually convenient. During the course of our conversation, he
confirmed his interest in me either working with the company to set up a
death benefit delivery system/program and/or conduct training with
company agents (both of which would include mass distribution of Awaken to Good Mourning as an integral part of the program). As you might guess, in an "oh by the way moment" segue, I was able to work the Every Step Has a Story project into the conversation and something almost magical took place.

I shared briefly about my walk to Nashville from McKinney in April
2011, I mentioned that I was seeking corporate sponsorships for the
underwriting of the documentary fill as well as sponsors for the walk
itself. He asked, "Do you have a life insurance company yet?" Well, I
don't and told him so. He then stated, "We need to talk about that as
well. I think there will be some real interest in our participation in
the film part of your project." Well, I almost dropped my teeth!

there you have, it! From talking about a previously agreed upon topic
to an "Oh by the way moment," yet another potential "miracle" awaits

Please keep you fingers crossed, send up prayers and
project positive thoughts our way on Wednesday August 25. We will meet
at 7:30 a.m. and I can hardly wait!

I am so enjoying sharing with you news and stories related to Every Step Has a Story
on a weekly basis! I am hopeful that you will find the stories
interesting as well as worthy of sharing with friends, co-workers and
family members.

I will certainly report the outcome of the
meeting on the 25th! I cannot help but believe that I have stepped on
the platform of a fast-moving train headed for a destination determined
by a power much greater than I and that I am simply along for the ride!

do not hesitate to pass on stories, ideas or contacts you think might
be of interest or assistance in this project! I welcome your input and
involvement! More than anything, I appreciate your support and
encouragement! Without it, I'm not sure I could get up every morning
before dawn and walk to train for this endeavor!

Thank you ever so much!


Mark Hundley
Awaken Associates


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