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Exciting Developments for 2010!

As you know, this blog is dedicated to offering information designed to help folks live powerfully and successfully during the Mean Times of life.  Over the past couple of years, I've sought to do that by creating and sharing essays written to inspire, challenge and encourage.  With the recent release of the Second Edition of Awaken to Good Mourning, I am pleased to add updates and stories related to the book as well as new opportunities coming my way to share strategies for living powerfully during the Meantimes of Life.

The book marketing is going well.  Because of my goal to place the book into the hands of entities who have the most immediate access to the people who need the information the most, we are targeting funeral homes, churches, life insurance companies, hospices, corporate HR departments and the like.  Already, we have made significant connections in these areas locally.  In addition, the Bereaved Families of Ontario, The Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice in New Jersey and the Centering Corporation have expressed interest in adopting Awaken to Good Mourning as a part of their program in some way!  We are extremely excited about these opportunities and continue to work to make even more connections!

On March 22, 2010, I was privileged to speak to a group of life insurance company decision-makers at the 2010 LAMP Conference (Life Agency Management Program) ~ the Education Division of GAMA, Intl. (General Agents & Managers Association) ~ in Las Vegas!  The subject of my afternoon breakout session was, "Death Benefit Delivery: What Do I Do Now?" The presentation is designed to outline a framework for compassionate, caring death benefit delivery processes and procedures that ultimately create win-win outcomes for all involved ~ the beneficiary, agent and company.  The presentation was very well received and I was able to make significant contacts for future work in the life insurance industry.

Coming up in June 2010, I will be presenting a workshop for the Counseling and Student Services Department of Collin College in Plano.  The focus of the presentation will be to equip those folks with tools so that they may work with grieving students in more effective and efficient ways.

January 2011 will bring the opportunity to present to the Collin County Council of Violence Annual Conference.  My presentation will address "Disenfranchised Grief and Domestic Violence!" I am excited about this particular presentation in that it will be the first time to formally address the subject of Disenfranchised Grief as it relates to Domestic Violence issues!

What Can You Do to Help?

Well, I'm glad you asked ~ even though you really haven't! I cherish the assistance and support of my friends in getting the word about my work out to a larger public.  I am convinced that the more we talk about and discuss the challenges related to loss, grief and living in tough times, the better suited we become to handle the challenges of life in positive, healing and healthy ways.  So . . . that being said . . . here's a few ways you can help me out.

  • Think about people you know who work in the funeral business, life insurance, ministry, hospice or education fields.  Write their names down and send them to me. I would love the chance to share with them a little about my work.
  • Think about civic or professional organizations of which you are a member.  What opportunities might there be for me to address those groups in a presentations designed to meet the specific needs of your group?  Speak with the directors or leaders of those organizations about contacting me.
  • Consider approaching the pastor, rabbi or priest of your local place of worship about the possibility of my coming to speak. I would love the chance to interact with those in your group.
  • Finally, think about friends, co-workers, acquaintances or family members who have lost loved ones. Take a step to share the Gift of Healing by giving Awaken to Good Mourning. Bulk purchase discounts are available with the purchase of two or more copies.

Signing Off For Now

That's all for now!  I'll be posting frequently to provide updates.  I look forward to hearing from you ~ your thoughts, comments and suggestions for contact!  Thank you for all the support you've given thus far!

Oh! One More Thing!

I plan on providing answers to questions related to death, loss, grief, life transition issues and living in the meantimes on this blog.  If you or someone you know has a question you would like addressed, please send them my way!  Thanks!

Until Next Time . . . Peace!


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