It's What I Do!

Anyone who knows me knows that I could talk the varnish off a chair if given the chance. I love to talk ~ especially to groups of people! In fact, I can think of very few things I love more than speaking to audiences of all sizes and ages! I experience a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose when I communicate with groups of people.

In over 39 years of public speaking, I've been privileged to present for 12 state and regional conferences, 6 national conferences and 1 international conference! Speaking has taken me to 16 different states & the District of Columbia! Clients include over 25 life insurance companies or organizations, over 30 churches of various denominations, 5 counseling centers, 5 funeral homes, 15 civic organizations, 10 institutions of higher learning, 10 grief support organizations and 6 public school districts. Speaking has opened the doors for over 50 radio and 8 television appearances. I am truly blessed to have been a part of so many different life-altering events!

I recently read a statement that distinguishes motivational speakers from compelling speakers. The comparison goes like this: "Motivational speakers touch the mind and stir the resolve. Compelling speakers touch the spirit and stir action!" I strive for classification as a compelling speaker! Over the years, audiences have shared feedback. Some of the most meaningful comments follow:

* "Powerful message! You made me feel good about being a life insurance professional!"
* "Your presentation to the survivors was warm, honest and honoring! Thank you!"
* "Students don't spontaneously applaud speakers these days unless they do an outstanding job! You certainly did!"
* "I could have listened for hours!"
* Hearing Mark speak is like sitting at the kitchen table sharing a cup of coffee with your best friend."

I am in the process of filling my 2010 speaking schedule and ask for your assistance. As you reflect on the groups of which you are a part, I would be honored if you would include me as possible recommendation if your group finds itself in need of a speaker.

During the month of May, any speaking engagement scheduled will be a "Speak for Free" event. That means that during the month of May, I will waive my fee for any event scheduled ~ regardless of the ultimate date I speak. All that I ask is that the group provide travel and lodging if necessary. I also ask that I be allowed to offer my book, Awaken to Good Mourning, for purchase at the event.

If your group has an interest, booking information may be obtained by calling: 469-288-2694 or email

I am hopeful that our paths will cross sometime in the coming months!


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