When You Least Expect It!

My experience tells me that often the most dynamic gifts arrive when we least expect them!  They come in the form of surprise letters or cards; unanticipated recognitions; unexpected visits from friends; out of the blue phone calls; heartfelt compliments; and television programs!  WHOA! SAY WHAT? TELEVISION PROGRAMS! You read correctly! Television programs!

A few years back, I quickly became hooked on a new series on TNT starring Holly Hunter entitled, "Saving Grace!"  Now I must admit right here and now that the original reason I even decided to watch yet another new show was because of Ms. Hunter!  You see, I've always had a huge crush on her!  There!  My secret is out!  I'm a huge Holly Hunter fan!  She plays a hard living, push-the-envelope, driven, passionate and deeply caring detective based in Oklahoma City!

Now as much as I like Holly Hunter and the in-your-face pace of the show, my absolute favorite character took me completely by surprise!  I will always remember the first time I saw . . . Earl!

Who is Earl You Ask?

At a particularly critical moment in the life of Holly Hunter's character, Earl shows up with an offer of assistance.  And he does so in such a quietly powerful way, one can't help but be drawn to him

Now Earl, it seems, is an angel!  That's right, an ANGEL!  I can tell you for sure that he certainly does not fit the description of any angel I've ever read or seen, but he's an angel all the same.  He is a slow-talking, laid back, normal looking guy with an uncommonly down-to-earth sense of humor.  He is enigmatic in so many ways.  Warm, intelligent, unassuming, intense, passionate, insightful, duty-bound, completely committed to his task and a bit mysterious to boot!  He's been known to down a few brews, hang out in bars, sneak into prison cells, hover near tragedies, disappear in a flash of light, show up when least expected, play tricks on folks, leave tantalizing clues and encourage engagement with life.

Earl is the kind of angel I'd want on my team when faced with the meantimes of life ~ Absolutely!  I just LOVE Earl!

A Touch of the Unexpected!

After the very first episode, I became a sort of evangelist for the show!  I was telling everyone I knew about it!  As far as I was concerned, it was GREAT television!  The more folks I told, the more became fans like I was.

Now one particular friend started watching only after repeated heavy-handed encouragements to do so!  She finally gave in and said, "OK!  If you'll leave me alone, I'll watch it! Geez!"  I was excited!  Told her so and went as far as to predict that she would LOVE the show!  And . . . she DID!  We began comparing notes after each episode!  We were having a blast!

Then came the unexpected!  One day while we were having a cup of coffee, she looked at me and said, "Mark.  YOU are MY Earl!"  That statement took me completely by surprise, mind you!

"What did you say?"  I wasn't sure I had heard her correctly.

"I said, 'YOU are MY Earl!'"  Yep! I HAD heard her correctly.  Immediately a funny feeling began stirring in the pit of my stomach.

"What do you mean, exactly? I asked.

She said, "You are my Earl!  Just like Holly Hunter's Earl, you make me want to be my best!  You make me want live a better life . . . be a better person . . . be more compassionate and caring!  You are my Earl!"

I was blown away!  I was a bit embarrassed.  I'm sure I blushed.  I KNOW that tears filled my eyes!  After a few moments of stunned silence, I responded.  "That may just be the most meaningful and moving compliment I have ever received!  Thank you so very much!"

"Well, it's true!  You are," she said.  "I'm not kidding!"  And she wasn't!  I, on the other hand, was feeling woefully inadequate at the moment.

She went on to say, "You are likely Earl for many more people!"  That statement iced the cake!  I was really uncomfortable.

We went our separate ways after coffee that morning, but the impact of that statement began worming its way into my spirit.  It caused me to stop and take a really hard look at myself.  I know me!  I'm no Earl!  I'm not an angel!  I'm flawed and filled with shortcomings!  I make mistakes — ALL THE TIME!  The only thing I perfect is the art of being IMperfect!  Regardless, that statement created a change in my life that continues to weave its way into the core of my being.

Who is YOUR Earl?

I figure that we all have our "Earls" in life — those folks who touch us in ways that make us want to be better, do better, live better!  What would life be without personal "angels" sent into our lives at specific times for specific purposes?  As I write this, I am keenly aware of all the Earls in MY life through the years — people who have loved me, nurtured me, cared for me, encouraged me, counseled me, admonished me, taught me, lifted me up!  There is no way on God's green earth I would be who I am today without those "Earls" in my life and for them, I am eternally  grateful!

I pose a question as a result of this experience in my life — "Who is YOUR Earl?"  Who in your life inspires you to be your best, give your best, pursue your dreams, believe  in yourself, acknowledge your worth, reach out to others and make a difference?  See?  We all have our Earls!  Everyone of us!  I bet that long before I even asked the question, you were already thinking about  your Earl! 

I pose a second question ~ when is the last time you told your Earl, "Thank You" for all he or she means to you?  Perhaps you never have told him or her how much you appreciate the impact they have made on your life.  That being the case, what's keeping you from picking up the phone right now and telling them that they are your Earl?  I challenge you to act this minute!  Make an effort to call, write or drop by!  Tell them, "You are my Earl and I thank you for it!"  I can guarantee an amazing experience!

One Final Question

I am convinced that lives intertwine on this earth for purposes that reach far beyond our comprehension.  As I close this essay, I have one more question for you.  Whose Earl are YOU?

You see, we all have folks who look to us for support, encouragement, counsel, love, guidance and inspiration.  We may not be aware of just how many follow our words and actions ~ seek to emulate our values ~ strive to duplicate our achievements.  I am hopeful that this question causes you to reflect and work to bolster who YOU are as a person!  I know how much this experience has caused me to be more cognizant of how I live.

I'm hopeful that we can all take a moment each day and determine to live as completely as possible so that our lives will reflect an uncommon light for all to see.

Hey Earl!  Are you with us?

Until next time . . . Peace!


Copyright 2009 Mark E. Hundley


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