Happy New Year!

Whew!  The New Year is finally here!  So many have written so much about just getting through 2008 in hopes of turning things around in 2009!  Let’s face it, 2008 was a real booger bear of a year on all fronts!  I don’t know of a person on the planet that was not affected in some way by the multiple “mean times” experienced over the last twelve months!  Perhaps the New Year will bring with it winds that will blow a different way for us all.

But . . . wait a minute!  Who am I kidding?  Doesn’t EVERY year carry the same possibilities — the same opportunities — the same potential?  Are we likely to go through an entire year that is completely happy in the sense that we tend to think of happiness?  Doesn’t every year hold surprises for us — surprises both difficult and exciting at the same time?  Doesn’t every year await our action?  In that light, “Happy New Year” becomes a greeting exchanged as the calendar marks the turning of yet another 365 days (unless of course we are in a Leap Year)!  “Happy New Year” often scurries down its “hidey hole” at its first encounter with reality only to reappear at the next changing of the Time Guard.

I’m really not being negative here — truly!  I would just like to alter our wishes for a Happy New Year into determinations more useful and lasting.  Care to join me?

The Proverbial New Year’s Resolutions

Right off the bat, New Year’s Resolutions hit us in the face!  I used to make them; however, I have determined that making simple resolutions becomes a rather futile attempt to exert control over the yet to be determined outcome of a year in waiting!

I challenge you to do a little Googling on New Year’s Resolutions!  You’ll find all sorts of stats to indicate the almost inherent uselessness of such endeavors!  In all fairness, there are some who find ways to positively spin resolutions — but the vast majority of articles and blogs point to the ultimate failure of resolutions.

Well, if resolutions are not the answer, then what is?  Glad you asked (even if you didn’t)!

Let’s Move to Goal-Setting

Now you’re talking!  Setting goals!  That’s the ticket — well, that’s a better ticket than merely spouting off resolutions!

At least when we set goals, we actually are forced to examine what we want to accomplish, in what time-frame, for what purposes, in what manner, etc.  We are even forced to establish contingency plans in some instances in case our original goals become victim to life’s sidetracking!  Goal-setting holds some rather convincing advantages over making resolutions that often have no teeth whatsoever.

Research points to the likelihood of more success when one sets a goal and actually writes that goal down on paper!  Go ahead, set some goals for the New Year!  Spend time pouring over the areas of your life that demand attention and change!  Read and research all you can about effective goal-setting and then purpose to follow the advice you glean from your activities.  I have no doubt that you will experience more success in your life than if you didn’t.

As much as goal-setting ramps up the possibilities for success, I am still not convinced we have found the strategy that holds the power to make 2009 truly different from any we have experienced.  “OK, Baldy — what do YOU think can help us?”  I guess you know I’m gonna answer that one, don’t you?  Here goes!


I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I participate in goal-setting activities, I get lost in the goal itself.  You know what I mean — crafting the perfect goal or goals as the case may be!  I detail all the steps; lay out all the contingencies; establish all the parameters; determine all the intended outcomes.  Then I go about the business of getting lost in the details.  I know, I know — many of you already have ready answers to my faulty goal-setting system just chomping at the bits to be shared.  Well, let’s hold on just a minute.  I have an idea that I think addresses MY issues — and perhaps yours as well — as they relate to accomplishing what I desire to accomplish in this New Year.

I call my plan ONE THING!  Simple enough don’t you think?  ONE THING — just ONE!  I recently posed a question on Twitter related to what one thing a person might focus on in order to accomplish a specific purpose and received some rather interesting feedback in the process.  Most of it focused on establishing goals rather than resolutions — an exercise I’ve already briefly addressed.  Other responders wondered what they could do if they had MORE THAN ONE THING to address in their lives.

I realized that my ONE THING plan needed to be explained a little better.  Often as I struggle with life, I find myself reducing my tasks to the lowest common denominator in order to determine the steps necessary to successfully address my personal challenges.  Through the years, I have found that asking people to focus on just one thing for a specific period of time often provides keys for them to get a handle on their situation and feel more confident in their ability to find answers.

Here is how the ONE THING plan works.  Ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do consistently over the next (you fill in the time period) that will likely create the kind of change I wish to achieve?”  You see?  ONE THING!  It’s just that simple — but if you look under the surface, the simplicity is deceiving.

Take, for example, a student struggling with grades in school.  I would ask that student to determine “one thing” he would be willing to do over a set period of time on a daily basis that might help him earn stronger grades.  For a business person, I would ask her to determine “one thing” she would be willing to devote action to over a set period of time on a daily basis in order to get a handle on a specific business challenge facing her.  For a married couple, I would ask them to come up with “one thing” they would be willing to do together over a set period of time on a daily basis in order to strengthen their relationship.

Get the picture?  That “one thing”becomes the touch point — the driving force — the baseline for all other actions taken.  Now in all fairness, I understand that we have multiple arenas that demand our attention.  I am not necessarily saying that “just one thing” will impact multiple areas at once(although I believe there is extreme merit in this possibility).  I am saying however, that focusing our attention on just one thing can teach us the power of concentration — a lesson that can then be applied to other areas of life as well.

Perhaps you desire to apply this plan to your the mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, relational, professional or personal areas of your life!  Go ahead!  Knock yourself out!  But remember, concentrate on just one thing in each area — not several things in each area!

How Might This Work?

In order to provide groundwork for your experiment with the ONE THING plan, let’s look at an example.  Suppose I determine that I want to lose ten pounds.  Instead of proclaiming it as a resolution or working out a detailed goal, what if I simply determined to write down everything I eat on a daily basis and do so for a month?  That one action — employed consistently each day — will provide valuable information about what I need to do next in my process.  I will have hard data from which to determine my next ONE THING to do in order to lose ten pounds!  See how this might work?

The Formula

I would like to outline the basic formula for the ONE THING plan so that we can get started today!

  1. Determine which area (or areas if you are adventurous) you want to address first.  Will you choose the personal, professional, mental, spiritual, emotional, social or relational area?  The really cool thing is that YOU get to choose!
  2. Once you have selected the area of your life on which you wish to concentrate, spend some time going over action options you have available to you in addressing your chosen area.
  3. Decide which action step to which you will commit on a daily basis and for how long you will engage in the determined action.
  4. Write down your intended outcome — what you anticipate you will accomplish at the end of the time-frame.
  5. Be ready to congratulate yourself for what will happen as a result of your investment!

Now I am the first to recognize that some of us may stumble a time or two in the process.  In light of that possibility, be ready to forgive yourself and get back on the wagon immediately!  No problem!

Final Thoughts

Hey!  If making resolutions works for you, SUPER!  Go ahead and make ’em until the cows come home!  If you prefer setting goals and have a sure-fire system in place, by all means continue on with your tried and true plan!  However, if you are interested in giving a different plan a chance to work its magic, then determine to apply the principles of the ONE THING plan and see what happens!

I would love to hear from those of you who take up this challenge.  Help me fine tune this plan so that others can benefit from your experience!  Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Until next time . . . Peace . . . and Success!


Copyright 2009 Mark E. Hundley


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