My Silent Friend . . .

The pre-dawn grayness served as the cover for my silent friend's stealthy approach as I slept.  He quietly crept through the partially closed door to the bedroom and stood beside me — willing my mind to stir into conscious engagement!  My friend's name you ask?  Why "Miracle Max" of course!  No! Not the MM from The Princess Bride — that MM might have caused other reactions!  The Miracle Max to whom I refer today is the one who visits from time to time — always with reminders that "Miracles Abound!"

He constantly brings messages and stories that highlight the miraculous in daily living!  This morning was no different — with one exception!  I perceived an urgency in his desire to deliver his stories — an urgency not present in previous visits!  Before my eyes opened I heard his whispers — "Hurry!  Time's-a-wastin!  You've gotta get to exercisin!"  If you didn't notice, this Miracle Max is a Texan!  I knew what his statement meant — not exercise as in physical, but exercise as in mental!  He wanted me to write something!

The energy and excitement with which his words were delivered forced me from the warmth of my bed and led me to the keyboard. "OK!  Here I am, Maxie!  What's next?"  The words no sooner formed than he began revealing the pictures he had for me this morning!  They came at me in rapid fire succession — so many so quickly that I fear I may have missed more than I caught!  Every time Maxie visits, I know that my job is to put down as much as I can remember . . . so . . . here goes!

Miracles of Family!

Holidays tend to be times for families to get together — share old memories; make new ones; visit; love; argue; make up — you know what I mean.  Now I can only assume that most families have some semblance of functionality — maybe not complete functionality, but certainly enough to provide the foundation for its members to become positively contributing members of society!  There are families however, that are completely dysfunctional — families for whom chaos, wrapped in all manner of hurtful words and actions, is the norm.  Invariably, there are a few members of such families who recognize the dysfunction and work to connect with others who are more functional.  The relationships that develop from such searches can be defined as "Families of Choice!"  Now, we all likely have some of those "families of choice" — people for whom we feel deep affection — people who are often "more family than family!"

I have many in my life who have become a part of my own personal "Family of Choice" through the years.  I am sure that as you read this, people come to mind who are part of YOUR special circle of love as well!

Over the past year, I have been privileged to make a new friend.  In fact, she and her family have become rather special to me.  Recently Lynne Weinberger, my new friend, shared a poem she wrote that captures the miracle of family in a way Max insisted needs to be shared.  So, with Lynne's permission and blessing, I want to share her poem.

Christmas 2008

I tried and tried with all my might –

just couldn’t get this letter right.

The words are far between and few.

Suffice to say, not much is new.

On average things are much the same:

Less hair, more wrinkles…but can’t complain!

The boys are handsome, dark and tall,

Pinch me, Chas and I do ‘have it all’ —

Health, contentment, peace of mind,

loving families, friends so kind.

A balmy climate, back roads to RIDE,

(Helps ease news of the 401K slide.)

We’ve got each other through thick and thin;

 Not our waistlines — those vows we penned.

Both boys are juniors – their dreams await;

An empty nest is at our gate.

So much to do, yet time keeps flyin’

Our ‘Bucket List’ grows without much tryin’.

This letter’s like Seinfeld — so much was said

About so little; and yet, instead,

It helps to remind me, each year we live

It’s not what we have…but what we give.

This Christmastime, our fervent hope

Is for you not to get any soap on a rope

Or socks, or fruitcakes, or worse, Chia pets!

Just the hand of a friend when you need it

…the best.   



The Miracles of Influence

On the heels of Lynne's words, Max shifted my focus to the miracle of influence.  In addition to my parents, three men have played an invaluable role in my life.  Dr. James Flaming, Dr. Clint Dunagan and the late Dr. Byron Medler have served and continue to serve as mentors, role models and teachers.  The wisdom, sensitivity and insight with which they engaged the world have had a lasting impact on my life.  I only hope that I may be able to influence others in the same ways they have influenced me!

Max also reminded me of five other men — two of which I knew in high school and the other three I met on the first day of college at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene in August 1971 — who have served and continue to serve as sources of inspiration in my life.  Each one has faced life with purpose, determination and sensitivity unequaled.  I am grateful for the influence of Fred, Ronnie, Doyle, Randy and Larry.

"Ted!  Don't forget Ted," Max chimed as I reflected on men of influence!  How could I forget Ted.  He has been there for me so many times in so many ways! 

Max whispered, "The fact that these men have entered your life is a miracle beyond comprehension!"  I had to agree completely.  My heart grew warm as I reflected on those influential men.

Miracles of Sacrifice

It is not likely that you need reminders of those who have sacrificed life or limb since 9/11 in the service of our country!  Stories of courage abound.  Max did remind me however, that we need to pay more attention to these brave men and women as a country on a daily basis and not just on Veteran's Day or Memorial Day! 

Miracles of Determination

Max continued his parade of reminders — far too many to mention — of people faced with extraordinary challenges who meet them every day with determination beyond description!  You might have read the story of the young girl who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy with no anticipation that she would ever walk.  Her mother is a soldier having seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places in the world.  This young girl's determination enabled her to not only walk, but run to her mother's arms in the airport recently!  "Thanks Max, for that reminder!"  Would that we could all be that determined in the face of insurmountable challenges!

Miracles of Taking . . . and then Giving Back!

Recently in the Dallas area, a story ran about a young mother with cancer who does not have long to live — perhaps two years if she is fortunate.  The story goes that she has chronicled her life via pictures taken with a camera – a camera she has had for a long time —  which possesses great sentimental value.  It seems that one day while she was in a store doing some shopping, a man broke into her car and stole this prized possession — with undeveloped film still inside.  She was devastated beyond words!

The local ABC affiliate ran a story on the theft in hopes that someone would recognize the person caught on video surveillance.  As part of the story, they detailed her fight with cancer.

Not long after the story ran, the camera appeared in a package addressed to the reporter who wrote the story.  In a follow up story, the reporter took the camera to the woman and after a brief conversation, surprised her with it!  She was overjoyed and shed tears of disbelief and gratitude.  Even in tough times, desperate people who do desperate things can be touched by the miracle of humanity.

Miracles of the Viral Nature!

Max possesses a sharp sense of the ironic as well.  He reminded me of the peculiarity of asking outlandish questions of strangers!  Maybe you remember the young lady not long ago who found herself in debt beyond her means to manage.  She came up with the idea of using the Internet to ask for assistance in clearing up her debt!  She asked total strangers all over the country to send her a dollar to help retire her debt.  Ridiculous, right?  NOPE!

To her amazement — and apparently that of others as well — the money began flowing in!  Her request "went viral" and spread like wildfire!  Not only did she receive enough to retire her debt, people sent her MORE THAN ENOUGH!  What did she do with the overage?  She began donating it to charities.  Wow!

Miracles of Asking!

As my interaction with my good friend Miracle Max began winding down, he challenged me to take all the lessons learned from the miracles mentioned previously and put something out there for consideration.  Now, I must admit, I am a bit skeptical yet at the same time hopeful that what I'm about to do will "go viral" as well.  No!  I'm not asking you to send me money!  What I am asking is for you to consider becoming part of a miracle in the making!

You see, the tough economic times in which we find ourselves touches more than just families and businesses.  It affects non-profits as well!  So very many non-profits do tremendous work that often goes unnoticed.

The non-profit dearest to my heart is The Journey of Hope Grief Support Center!  I love this organization beyond words!  Not only am I a co-founder, I see how valuable its work is to the well-being of families touched by the shadow of death — especially the children in those families!

Here is my question — "Would you consider becoming 'One in a Million' people willing to give just one dollar to The Journey of Hope sometime between now and next Christmas?  Would you?"  For the price of a soda, you can help ensure that the vital work that the Journey conducts will continue for a long time to come!  "Would you help this request go viral by sharing it with as many people as you know?  Would you please?"

Max is right here beside me telling me that it is possible!  "I believe you, Max!  I really do!"

I invite you to visit The Journey of Hope Grief Support Center website and peruse the stories of children touched by this wonderful organization.  I promise to keep you posted on the progress of this campaign over the next twelve months!  The website is

I thank you on behalf of children and families served by The Journey!

Miracles of Contemplation

As you spend time with friends and family between now and the end of the year, I encourage you to contemplate the miracles in YOUR life as well.  Write them down.  Share them with others.  Become a part of the miracle miracle making exercise!  Miracle Max will be happy . . . and so will I!

Until next time . . . Peace!


Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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