Well, if generating interest in the exploration of personal belief and/or value systems was my goal in the "Scary Spiritual" essay, then it was successful!  I received many emails from readers asking for clarification on the definition of "spiritual" as well as suggestions as to how I might address areas that might be construed as unclear or ambiguous!  I thank each one for sharing your thoughts and questions with me!

I must admit that while contemplating the writing of that particular essay, I had to acknowledge that I was stepping into rather highly personal territory.  After the responses received, I felt that a follow up for clarification was needed.  Here goes!

First, perhaps no other arena conjures images as diverse as that of the spiritual!  So many definitions exist!  So many perspectives exert influence!  So many factors shape our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions!  A working definition requires simplicity in order to create common ground for discussion.  Allow me this feeble attempt:  Spirituality is the pursuit of meaning outside of our limited human perspective.  It is the striving to connect with someone or something larger than we that will guide us as we work to create purpose in our existence.  On the surface, it assumes the creation of a positive purpose!

Second, my primary goal was to encourage each reader to explore his or her own personal belief and/or value system in order to determine whether or not life dreams, goals and actions were indeed consistent.  Filtering our dreams and actions through our belief and/or value system is the first step in creating life congruency!  I believe that in order to live congruently in life, our goals and actions must be in line with our beliefs and/or values.  My goal was not to proselytize or evangelize in any form or fashion.  There are other venues through which that activity can be accomplished

Third, I used an example of Gene Autry's "Cowboy Code" or "Cowboy Commandments"as an example of a set of detailed beliefs and values through which one could filter goals and actions.  His were neither dedvoid of sound guidelines nor filled with overly traditional definitions of spirituality (read church-based or ecclesastically tinted) thereby inviting all readers to inspect personal belief systems without undue influence.  If for no other reason than objective experience, the practice of filtering our goals and actions through Gene Autry's contribution to congruency could open the door for a clearer understanding of our own system.

Finally, I was reminded that many people in this world already conduct their lives completely in line with their personal beliefs and values — and in many cases, that is indeed Scary!  I was reminded that many possess belief and value systems that are destructive to all that would be deemed good and valuable for humankind!  I think of the KKK, the PLO, Al Queda, the SLO, various cults that promote self and other destruction!  They certainly align their goals and actions with their beliefs!  I was even reminded of groups that commit atrocities in the name of God (both Christian and non-Christian alike) as a justification for actions that destroy and divide!  So, there are many people in our world who filter goals and actions through belief systems that ultimately align them with "their definition of spiritual!"  See how difficult this seemingly simple exercise can become?  What are we to do?

  1. Determine to establish belief and value systems that create good and positive outcomes for all people!
  2. Focus on doing good – being practical – in our spirituality.  Dr. Clint Dunagan once said, "In order for one to be deeply spiritual, one must be essentially practical!  I like that definition.
  3. Determine to "do no harm" as we work to live out our lives in this world.  This requires us to do more listening to others and less talking.
  4. Work to ensure that our spirituality or "spiritual core," empowers us to STAND FOR SOMETHING rather than Stand Against people or ideas that are contrary to ours.  Standing For creates the possibility of becoming a beacon while Standing Against often creates adversarial relationships that end in warring actions.

Bottom Line?  Please spend time working on your own personal belief and/or value system.  Filter your goals and actions through that system!  Engage in meaningful discussion with friends and family members to define, re-define and refine your spirituality.  The "mean times" in which we live demand that we clarify our beliefs and live accordingly!

Until next time . . . Peace!


Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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