Ripple Effect Update!

The goodness of people never ceases to amaze!  You guys are wonderful!  Many of you are praying as I write.  Many others of you have sent emails expressing your personal concern for and commitment to pray for my friends.  Thank you so very much — to everyone out there who is praying and sending out positive energy.  My friends also want to express their thanks as well!  By the way, after asking permission to share their names, they agreed.  Sometimes praying for and sending out positive energy is best done when the focus is specific.  June and Brian Werry are the couple facing this most difficult of "mean times" right now.  With this information, your prayers and thoughts can now be more focused.  Thanks.

I visited at length with them yesterday.  The news from the doctor was not good.  Brian’s entire body is riddled with cancer.  They are surrounded by friends and family now as they begin to come to terms with the reality of their situation and determine the next steps to be taken.  Monday is the day that they will get the word on the type of cancer with which Brian is afflicted.  I know my request goes without asking, so I will simply say thank you for your continued prayers and support!

A Request from June

True to June’s nature, she is actively seeking support, information and assistance — an example to all of us about what to do when facing a "mean time!"  I spoke with her today and she has asked me to help her find someone out there who has recently gone through what she is about to.  She asked me to find someone who will be "straight" with her — "brutally honest" she said — someone who will not pull any punches.  June is a wonderfully strong, compassionate and resourceful person.  I know that she would welcome speaking with someone capable of sharing with her and answering her questions.  If any of you know such a person, please send me the contact information so I can assist in making the connection.  Thank you so much!

Where is God When It Hurts?

I am assuming that question has been asked since the dawn of time!  Many books have been written in an attempt to address that question — some have been good and some have been real stinkers!  Philip Yancey wrote a book by the exact title a number of years back — Where is God When It Hurts?"  I must say that it is one of my favorites on the subject.  Without going into great detail, allow me to summarize his handling of the subject.  Question: Where is God When It Hurts?  Answer: He is in YOU the ONE HURTING!  NOT in IT the thing causing the PAIN! 

This is not the place for a lengthy Theological debate, but I have to love this basic answer.  Let’s face it, when tragedy occurs, we seek answers!  Why?  Why?  Why?  Where is God?  Does he care?  What’s this all about?  What’s the meaning?  In my opinion, some of the stinkier attempts to answer the question go something like this:  "Well God must have really needed to get his/her attention!"

Now let’s just stop and think about this a minute.  Here, let me paint you a picture that that statement conjures in my mind.  I’m walking down the road of life, doing my thing — maybe doing it poorly maybe not (that often depends on who’s judging my performance) and all of a sudden (if I buy in to this thinking) God looks at me and says, "I really need to get that boy’s attention!"  He then proceeds to pick up a two-by-four (a favorite Celestial weapon of choice, I am told) and whacks me between the eyes so hard that I travel back to the middle of last week!  There!  He has my attention (I am to believe based on this line of logic or illogic as the case may be)!

Anyone have a bit of a problem with that one other than this bald guy?  Here is my problem:  If I buy that line of thinking, I am simply saying that God is abusive — he makes bad things happen in order to make me do something different.  In other words, he hauls off and hits me with a board.  When I come to, he says "That was for your own good and I am now glad I have your attention.  What say you and I go hang out and talk about the lovely life we will have together!"  Anyone but me see the craziness with that?  Again, this is not an attempt to debate the subject.  That can come later!  It sure sounds like the cycle of abuse to me!  Causes you to stop and think, doesn’t it?

What about a brief addition to Yancey’s answer?  What if, following that He is in US rather than IT during the "mean time," He finds ways to reveal Himself from the insideWhat if He gets our attention with His Presence and Love? What if He says to us something like, "I am so sorry this has happened in your life!  I love you so very much and your situation pains me deeply!  Every time you cry, I do as well!  Every time you feel alone, I identify with your loneliness!  Every time you question, I understand!  I am here and always have been — always will be!  Let’s walk together through this and figure out what to do next!"  Does that kinda blow you away like it does me?  Hmmm?  Man!  Now THAT’S the kind of Deity that gets it! 

As I walked away from the hospital room yesterday, in my mind’s eye, I saw the Creator sitting in that room, stroking the hands of each person there — drawing them close in a fatherly embrace.  Listening, watching, paying attention, loving, crying — and sending out positive energy.  I see him walking the floor at night when worry grips the heart.  I see him greeting the sunrise of a new day sharing the hope of better news!  I see him spread assurance that although the days ahead may be filled with uncertainly, he will be there WITH and IN them — providing strength, support, love and hope — regardless of the outcome.

Life is life and Life is a Struggle — plain and simple.  Because it is a Struggle, Lives are often Shattered as a result.  Life Goes On even when we wish it would stop or at least slow down a bit and our Relationships Do Continue actively or in memory.  Yet, one of the wonderful things about the human spirit is that Life Can Be Good as we work to Create Good Lives by connecting with our Faith or Belief System; People and Resources around us; and tap into our Own Personal God-given Strengths and Resiliencies.  This is the formula that best describes where God is when it hurts — Right in the middle of ME and MY FAMILY while we go through our "mean time" making His presence known in subtly powerful ways! This is where I see God now with Brian and June!

I am hopeful that we can all pause a moment and meditate on where we think God really is when a "mean time" torpedoes our lives.  In the torpedo or in the rescue boat?

I encourage you to give yourself a hug today.  Be thankful that you are alive and able to give to others — even if you find yourself in the midst of a personal mean time.  Next, I encourage you to meditate on your family and friends — anyone specifically come to mind?  Well, go ahead — give them a call.  Let them know you are thinking about them and that you love them.  It might blow them away and make you feel better about life to boot!  Do it!  See what happens!

I will continue to keep you updated.  Thanks ever so much again!



Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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