This message is totally unplanned and unexpected!  Those happen from time to time!  Initially as the thoughts and feelings began building in my brain and heart, I fought to repress them — worked to convince myself that the hour was just too early.  Besides, I just posted a mere few hours ago and didn’t need to write yet again.  Alas, to no avail!  So . . . here goes!

Occasionally, I am reminded why younger people are the ones who have babies — not 50 somethings!  One of the greatest joys I have is the honor of being a grandfather!  I absolutely love it!  Living as close as we do to our three grandsons, the privilege of having them stay with us presents itself quite often!  Such is the case this week as we have two of the three for five days!

Around 4:00 am, I was awakened by the sound of the youngest — age nine months — crying.  Since I am still nursing a broken shoulder, my wife chose to stay with the boys in the guest bedroom.  Usually, the oldest likes to sleep with “Golgi’ and “Momommy,” but with my shoulder and his constant case of the wiggles while sleeping, she chose to spare the possibility of further “ouchness” to the wing.  (God bless her for that!)  Anyway, back to the episode early this morning.  Apparently, the cries were from hunger — the little guy is going through a growth spurt — and only sustenance would soothe his situation!

Needless to say, since he was awake, all others in the house were awakened as well.  “Momommy” was up fixing a cereal bottle (fast, easy and effective).  She shared with me that “older brother” who was sleeping next to her, rolled over and with sleepy eyes said, “Oh, Brudder!”  She instructed me to go back to bed — an order with which I dutifully complied.  I had almost coaxed myself back to sleep, when I hear shuffling footsteps — Yep — older brother!  He crawls up in bed with me, snuggles next to my back and begins gently snoring.  Was I able to sleep . . . really?  Nope!  I was awake!  After only two hours of sleep anyway, the die was cast!  I was destined to greet the dawn!

While Momommy worked to get the littlest tyke back to sleep, I stepped out into the pre-dawn darkness — perhaps the coolest time of the day — and enjoyed the gentle breeze caressing my cheeks and the sweet scent of freshly cut grass.

As I turned back toward the house, I looked up at the stars and a wave of thoughts and emotions swept over me — turning my insides upside down.  To the best of my ability, I will convey them here.

My youngest grandson awakened early this morning with a pang of hunger and we were able to quickly address his needs and get him safely and securely back to sleep.  In places all over the world — scenes similar to the one I described are taking place.  Now some are waking and some are seeking sleep, but nonetheless, similar scenes — perhaps countless numbers of these scenarios with very different outcomes.  There are those who fight this battle in huts; in lean-tos; under the open air; some in caves or tents; others in orphanages; some in overly crowded rooms shared by multiple families; some in homes similar to ours.  Many more than I would like to acknowledge fight these battles of hunger and sleep without the luxury of readily available resources.  Many find hunger and inadequate housing the norm — not to mention disease; wars and threats of wars; famine; pestilence and the like heaped on top of the inadequacy or those basic necessities of life.

The more I pondered the mental snapshots that moved through my brain in slide show fashion, the more disturbed I became.  I thought about all the pain and suffering going on in our world today and my heart grew extremely heavy; my mind swam; my spirit sank; my soul grieved.

Then I experienced a growing sense of agitation and anger!  How arrogant we as a race have become — in our country and all over this planet!  Wars are being fought for control — control of natural resources; control of business rights; control of trade; control of food distribution; control of borders; control of minds, bodies and spirits; control of people; control of energy; control of education!  Control! Control! Control!  And I am not at all convinced that the wars are being fought for the good of the masses.  No!  I am convinced that most of our battles are to preserve the status quo for a relatively selective few on this rock!

Here in our great nation, we have become a nation of whiners!  Now don’t go getting offended on me here!  If you’re not a whiner, don’t worry about it!  This is not for you and you are welcome to read something else!  But I dare say that most of us in this country are whiners to some degree — I know that I do my fair share from time to time!  You don’t believe that we are whiners?  Take a little time to tally the number of times in one day whining takes place in your own home — I dare you!  Your place of work!  Your school!  Your church! Your son’s or daughter’s sports games!  Your bridge club!  Your social circle!  I dare you! I truly think you would be amazed at just how much whining we do in our country!

Oh, I am not saying that ours is the only country to experience the whining phenomenon!  It appears to be a truly unique human characteristic and it happens all over the world — especially the more affluent a group becomes.  We whine about everything under the sun!  And for what?  What changes does this activity bring about?

Let me provide a couple of examples!

One of the most disturbing bits of whining I hear comes from students and parents about the difficulty and unfairness of school!  I have already discussed how “struggle” has become a four-letter word; but truly, in our country we have cornered the market on whining about education.  There are children in our world who would simply die to be exposed to even what we call the “worst” education students receive here in the good old U. S. of A!  The bottom line?  From where I sit at least, students as a whole, don’t want to put forth the effort necessary to study and learn.  (There certainly ARE students who do apply themselves and what I say here is not for them!  I commend them for their efforts!) Further, there are many parents who aren’t willing to let the complaints of their children roll off their backs or hold the feet of their children to the fire and make them struggle with study!  (As before with students who “get it,” there ARE parents who encourage and empower their children to work hard for their education and I commend THEM as well!) Over all, however, it is easier to blame someone else for the problems we face in education — that teacher or principal or counselor or school!  All bad!  All incompetent!  All stupid!  Believe me!  I have heard it almost daily for ten years now how stupid, ignorant, incompetent and uncaring teachers are!  Frankly, I am offended by the arrogance of those views!  Perhaps I will have more to say about education down the road.  Suffice it to say, HOGWASH!

Now, before I start on this next paragraph, please note that I understand that there of people of all faiths in our country to which the following does not apply!  For you, please speak to the rest of us; remind us; teach us; lead the rest of us with your powerful example so that we might do a better job of difference making in our world!

If you think our whining about education gets me stirred up, wait until you hear about religion!  It really doesn’t matter what faith or persuasion — every one of them has groups of devotees that whine!  And for what?  You name it!  Our religious institutions generally spend more time whining than actually acting to better the human condition!  I often hear Christian churches and groups vehemently whine about persecution of Christians in this country!  REALLY?  PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS?  IN THIS COUNTRY?  Come on now!  Get real!  I am not one sitting on the sidelines unfamiliar with church or religion or spirituality — I was in the full-time ministry for 13 years of my professional career and was a PK most of my life!  I hear Christians constantly bemoan the persecution they suffer in THIS country and I am astonished at the audacity of such claims!  To hear them tell it, the world is infected and it is intent on infecting all Christians.  Further, they perpetuate the belief that the doctors need to stay in the hospital so as not to be infected themselves — can’t step outside the confines of their secure surroundings and administer caring, compassion or healing — no sir!  Might get infected!  Instead, they build mega-monuments to themselves and their ability to stir up like-minded people enough so that their church becomes a giant social club perpetuating a type of myopic spirituality that has become the norm more often than not in our country today.

There is a verse in Matthew 5:13 that says, “You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it me made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Those are strong words!  I have often said of this verse, “What good is salt if it stays in the cabinet?  Put in on the table and use it generously!”  If our churches and Christians are the salt of the earth, let them be SALT!  Take the wrapping off the package and get about the business of being salty — and I don’t mean obnoxious, overbearing or pushy!

I remember back in college, there was a traveling drama troupe that went by the name of “The Jeremiah People” — a reference to the enigmatic Old Testament prophet by the same name.  I recall one particular two person skit between the quintessential over-the-top church lady and a young man.  The lady is inviting him to the opening of one of the new church buildings.  She says something like, “I would like to invite you to the grand opening of our new One Point Five Million Dollar (a real bargain in today’s numbers by the way) Combination Ice Skating Rink, Swimming Pool, BAPTISTERY!!!”  The young man stands there incredulous and responds, “ONE POINT FIVE MILLION DOLLARS?!  WHAT ABOUT ALL THE STARVING KIDS IN AFRICA?”  The clueless parishioner, gets a “dumb look” on her face and says, “Well, THEY can come TOOOO!” Get my drift?  Since when is spirituality expressed in the size of buildings, budgets and Bible Schools?

I may exaggerate some here — maybe not!  However if I do so, it is intended to get your attention — to perhaps rile you a bit — to get you to thinking — to challenge you to ask yourself some hard questions.

Our world is experiencing one of the worst collective “mean times” in history!  Our situation calls on all of us to think, feel, believe and act differently!  Please, PLEASE consider stepping outside your comfort zone more often than you do now — and I am convinced that MANY of you out there do so already.  Positive changes would not be taking place if it were not the case.  However; our world needs more of us to truly be different!

The images that flashed through my mind early this morning linger and continue to stir my heart and mind.  We need each other in this world of “mean times” and we need each other NOW!

Often, when I am at my lowest, I find that giving of myself and my resource helps me connect with the world at large.  Please feel free to click on the “Universal Giving” icon on this page.  If you don’t already have an outlet for your giving, you may find a way to make a difference just by pointing and clicking!  If you do have established outlets for your giving, please take a moment today and investigate how you might make a difference in some life somewhere by giving.

Thanks for letting a sleep-deprived; bald headed grandfather voice a vision from early morning!

Until next time, Peace!


Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley


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