Back from England, Love — Part 2: Stonehenge

Rolling over the undulating, windswept Salisbury Plain in our tour bus taking in the beauty of the English countryside, anticipation quickened the pace of my heart as we approached one of the world’s greatest wonders.  I was about to view one of the most fascinating sites on this planet!  Stonehenge!  From the first moment I saw a picture of this marvelous monument as a child, I have been fascinated by its inherent power to confound. 

At last, as our  bus topped the hill announcing our final approach to Stonehenge, the monument came into view and my breath was momentarily taken away!  I could hardly wait to disembark from the bus and make my way to this near ageless mystery.  The weather was bleak on that morning — cold, windy and punctuated by fits of rain.  Still, the grandeur and glory of this site was not diminished one bit!

I made my way to the point where our group was allowed to enter and took my "audio tour guide" device that would provide details as I walked around.  We had only about 45 minutes to absorb the enormity of that place.

I walked; listened; viewed; took pictures . . . and . . . waited!  Waited for some ancient message to come through to me!  Waited for a clue from antiquity to filter through my brain to my heart and spirit! I waited for almost timeless voices to whisper words of wisdom and insight about that enigmatic place!  Did I hear voices?  Receive revelations?  Experience an unanticipated "Ah-Ha" moment?  No!  I can’t say that I did!  Perhaps the gusty wind prohibited reception of such communication.  Or the numerous tourists clamoring for the "perfect picture" interfered with the wave-lengths necessary for those messages to come through.  Perhaps another time in the future will offer that kind of communication.

As I walked around the perimeter of this marvelous megalithic monument, I was aware that there were others like me there that morning — people who sought to linger long enough to hear messages from the mysterious.

Strolling the pavement around that place, I recalled reading an historical novel back in the ’80’s about a group of people who had a hand in the creation of Stonehenge and was taken back to the speculation of what purposes they may have had in living and working there.  I recalled the author making a compelling case for the people using the site for multiple purposes — both religious and practical; however, the primary voice that came from that novel was the need to create something strong enough to endure time — a monument that defied destruction!  What a thought!  People creating something that might ultimately be timeless — standing in the open for all to see and speculate about — a legacy of existence!

As I prepared to leave that sacred site, I was struck by the realization that we today have a similar need to create a legacy of existence!  To leave something behind that can withstand time.  Now, most of us will never be a part of the creation of a physical monument like Stonehenge — those opportunities may have been lost forever.  We can, however, be a part of legacy building in other ways — ways that will positively impact the world for future generations to come!

Living in the Meantimes requires that we create legacies of love, wisdom and character!  So often when mean times come, we are tempted to draw into ourselves — to shut out people around us — to close off communication. Or, we can hold on to a way of thinking, believing and acting that leads to the destruction of all we hold dear because we are too greedy or fearful or shortsighted to do anything differently.  We can become cynical, fearful, mistrusting — even hostile!  Those types of actions will ultimately create monuments that time will reveal as gaps in action.  Times where darkness and uncertainty ruled.  Times where disconnectedness dominated.  Times when humanity languished in futility.  There are periods of human history from which we can and must learn lest we repeat the same mistakes. 

I often wonder if we are not in the throes of such a period now — holding on so desperately to a way of life that is slowly slipping away and either unable or unwilling to take the necessary steps to alter the path on which we find ourselves as a human race.

What does this have to do with Stonehenge?  Well, as I stood there taking it all in, I was struck with one solid truth!  Regardless of the original intent of the builders or the ways in which the use and meaning of the monument have evolved over time, it stands as a reminder that through definitive action, a legacy of accomplishment can be created! 

That is what I would like to encourage on this day!  I believe that each one of us has the power and ability to create a legacy of accomplishment regardless of the difficulties we face.  We can do so by looking our mean times squarely in the eyes and determining to not be dominated by them.  We can determine to build a life that positively influences all around us to do the right thing — to act in accordance with the preservation of our humanity and physical resources.  We can instill character and confidence in our children.  We can stand for beliefs and values that are inclusive of all people in all walks of life.  We can be difference makers!

What do you want your legacy of accomplishment to look like?  What would you like the people of the future to learn from your actions today?  What messages would you like to follow you through history yet to be made?

Let’s be about the business of creating positive personal legacies that will endure time and engender hope!  Stonehenge did that for me, perhaps it can do that for you as well!



Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley

Following are pictures from my walk through Stonehenge!  Can you feel the power and mystery? 

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