Back from England, Love — Part 3: Bath

Imagine watching water bubble to the surface of a pool from the depths of a source that guarantees a constant 120 degree temperature.  Now, imagine further that the droplets of water that just burst into the open air began their journey some ten thousand years ago as rain drops — rain drops that soaked into the soil and progressively filtered through multiple layers of limestone only to find new life at the heat source and become a part of the complex of hot springs offering healing to those fortunate enough to find them.  In a nutshell, that is the story of the springs at Bath in England.

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that neolithic hunter-gatherer tribes began accessing the restorative properties of the springs in the Bath region some ten thousand years ago.  History reveals how the mystical waters then captivated the Celts, Romans and Christians causing them to establish elaborate structures, rituals and beliefs associated with these hot mineral springs.  The attraction remains today as well!

I have to say that next to our stroll around Stonehenge, visiting Bath was my favorite excursion during our trip to England!  While Stonehenge remains enigmatic and unfathomable, Bath displays its colorful history through a vast array of structures, carvings, engravings and pictures that reveal its importance to the livelihood of human beings.

As I walked through the ruins of the Roman temple erected there, I was intrigued by the stories related to the healing nature of the hot mineral baths.  With my broken shoulder, I have to say that I was tempted to engage in a little experiment to see if the myths held any truth!  Nah!  I didn’t dive in — but I was tempted!  Seriously, the beauty and mystery of Ancient Bath drew me in — caused me to want to linger longer and absorb the power of the place.  As with any tour, time is a commodity that is parceled out and we had only so long to explore.

After walking through the Temple Museum and excavation site, I sauntered through some of the streets of modern-day Bath and fell in love with the city.  I discovered that the healing and restorative powers of the mineral waters have indeed filtered into and throughout the city itself.  With the exception of Taos and Santa Fe, NM, I don’t believe I have ever been in a city that felt as healing or spiritual as Bath! 

The pace was slower — the people friendlier — the streets cleaner — the air more pure — the atmosphere more inviting than London.  Sitting in one of the open squares near the entrance to the Roman Baths and in the shadow of the truly magnificent Bath Abbey, I observed people leisurely enjoying lunch and engaging in relaxed conversation.  Scattered throughout the city center were groups of entertainers — magicians; violinists; artists — all working together to weave a loose-knit harmony that connected the tourists and locals in a common purpose.  That purpose being a colorful human tapestry of community.  People from all walks of life; from all parts of the world shared the healing atmosphere of Bath.  Differences of race, nationality, religion, ideology and philosophy all disappeared. I felt energized by the experience — and hopefulHopeful that one day our human commonalities will overwhelm our differences so that our world might enjoy the healing that is so needed and necessary.

As we departed Bath and headed back to London, I took some time to reflect on what the "Bath Experience" had stirred in me.  I took some time to listen to our bus driver and tour guide as they shared honestly about their individual struggles living in a world not unlike the one in which I find myself living here in the States.  I asked questions and learned from them.  I shared my perspective on issues we have in common.  I was reminded that all people everywhere on this planet seek meaning, connection, understanding, purpose and healing.

The final hour of the trip back to London was spent in silence — the kids were sleeping and our bus driver and tour guide had settled into a quiet, contemplative state.

As I sat there, I had a wild thought!  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the healing and restorative powers of the waters of Bath could somehow be spread throughout the water sources of the world?  Can you imagine what might happen if the commonalities of the human experience began to overshadow our differences as a result of the invisible, mystical powers of the water of Bath?  I know that is a crazy thought — impossible!  But it sure was a fun fantasy ride for a few minutes!

As we all work to make sense of our lives — to deal as constructively as we can with the mean times we face — I am convinced that a little dose of healing and restoration each day can do wonders for us and those with whom we interact!  There is likely no magical elixir or mystical spring that holds the key to such healing and restoration of the soul and spirit; however, there is a thread of choice, that if worked, can be used to connect us with others in healing and restorative ways.

One choice we can make each day is the choice to engage in some activity that is both healing and restorative to our own individual soul and spirit.  Listening to music that soothes; reading a favorite poem; meditating on a passage from the wisdom literature associated with our personal belief system; receiving a therapeutic massage; getting a pedicure; reading a good book; taking a stroll in a park; holding hands with a loved one; hugging our children or grandchildren — and the list could go on. 

I often encourage clients to take a "Sixty-Second Vacation" once every hour they work.  It is very simple.  All you have to do is close the door, put your phone on silent mode, alert your assistant (if you have one) that you are not to be disturbed for sixty seconds and close your eyes.  During this sixty-second vacation focus on breathing deeply from your diaphragm; clearing your mind of all distractions; visualizing yourself in a favorite location that is calming, relaxing and healing; and allowing the healing and restorative powers locked deep inside your spirit to bubble to the surface of your consciousness.  It is amazing how powerful these sixty-second respites can be!

Now it is very unlikely that this practice will solve the world’s problems overnight; however, can you imagine the subtle changes that could take place in all of our relationships the more we tap into the inner healing and restorative powers of our spirits?  Can you envision the possibilities of "infecting" those around us with the healing we experience through this practice rather than the tensions we often hand out without meaning to? 

I encourage you to begin taking a few "Sixty-Second Vacations" today and try them for one week.  See how things have changed for you seven days from now!  Who knows?  Maybe healing and restoration will begin to dominate your life and make facing the "mean times" a little easier.



Copyright 2008 Mark E. Hundley  

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